Outside My Window ~ 12.26.10
Outside My Window…snow, snow and more snow! What began as a White Christmas yesterday afternoon has turned into quite an event today. It has been snowing since about 3:30 yesterday but very hard since early this morning. It looks as if the neighborhood trees have all been flocked with several inches of powdery, white snow. I can’t see my front steps…it is quite deep outside. The Weather Channel estimates we have about 6 1/2 inches right now ~ I think locally there may be more around here. I do live in the rain/snow/ice belt of the peninsula so that is a possibility. When I say I live in the rain/snow/ice belt it means whenever there is weather to be had in this area, we generally get that much more than the areas directly around us. Weird but true. They are predicting white out conditions later today and driving has been deemed hazardous with recommendations for all to stay home unless you must travel. I was going to the movies this afternoon with my sister ~ not happening today. This is quite a storm for our area so I will be content to stay inside with a nice fire going through out the day. I will venture outside now and then to refill the bird feeders….I had quite a gang in the backyard earlier this morning. Kind of funny to watch because as light as birds are some still would sink quite deep into the powder outside ~ which you could tell they weren’t use to. And for the detail oriented readers…at 11:15 this morning, the temperature is 28°F but feels like 18°F with the wind chill. We are under a winter storm warning with heavy snow and winds forecasted for the remainder of the day. We are likely to get another 6 inches before all is said and done. We were in the 8 to 12 inch range of snowfall….it does appear we will reach that goal and more.
I am thinking…about getting that fire started. I love a nice fire in the fireplace as the snow falls outside. I can remember when the girls were younger I would always have a fire going so they could thaw out after playing outside. They don’t go outside and play in the snow so much any more, but I still like a fire to warm my bones.
I am thankful…once again for my brother-in-law knowing and giving me the Heimlich maneuver yesterday afternoon. In case you didn’t read my post yesterday, his quick actions prevented me from choking to death. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, but I’m sure it happened in a matter of moments from the time my brother was asking if I was alright to my sister-in-law patting my back to help me to my realization that this was bad, really bad and I couldn’t say or do anything to make it better. How he got from the other side of the table to me so quickly I’ll never figure out ~ he is quite tall…..maybe he jumped? I don’t know, but I do know I suddenly felt him grab me from behind as the lights were dimming…..I’m so very grateful and thankful he did. And by the way folks ~ choking like that ~ reminded me of the asthma attack I had years ago and had to rush to the hospital. There is nothing scarier than not being able to breath. Happily today I can attest to the fact that the Heimlich works. I’m a bit sore but happy to be breathing again. Wish I knew what I got choked on though….still can’t figure that out.
From my kitchen…a hot cup of cinnamon hazelnut coffee right now. As far as eating, well….I’m not as worried as I was yesterday. I guess I was still experiencing spasms or something because I kept feeling like I was going to choke again if I ate anything. So I kept it light ~ and can I say how much it sucks to have that happen on Christmas day with a feast in front of you and you are afraid to eat anything! Today I feel a little more comfortable about eating and less likely to put all my food in a blender and turn it to mush….but I may keep it fairly light today as well….just in case.
I am going…to enjoy this snow today because even though there is a lot of it….even though travel is not recommended and hazardous….even though we are basically stuck at home….I don’t HAVE to be anywhere so I can sit back and enjoy it. It is really coming down now…heaviest I have seen all day so far. Visibility is definitely down at this moment.
I am hoping…that Santa was good to everyone this year. Mine was very nice if I forget about the unpleasant dining experience.
I am reading…my new PhotoShop CS5 for Dummies that I got for Christmas. PhotoShop CS5 Extended is quite different than PhotoShop Elements 7. This will help me understand the basic workings of the program…but I would still like to get Scott Kelby’s book on “how to” do certain things….for both CS5 and LightRoom 3 actually.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks…..my wind chimes singing to me outside….an otherwise quiet house. The girls are still sleeping ~ well, Alanna actually tried to go to work today at 6 this morning but sat outside for a half an hour waiting for someone to show and open the store. When she couldn’t reach anyone on the telephone inside the store or no one responded to her knocking on the back door, she came back home and went back to bed. All else is quiet….snow is the beautiful insulator against noise.
Around the house…Christmas clutter to pick up and put away…..a few dishes to wash…..some projects I want to work on during my next week off….and sooner or later, snow to shovel.
Plans for the week include…enjoying the rest of my vacation….working on my many unfinished projects….finishing up family edits so I can finally get them some prints (I know, I’m late) on older photos. This is my week to get all caught up on unfinished projects, unfinished organizational projects….unfinished anything. I’m looking forward to playing with my photography light kit I got for Christmas. I will also conclude my post a day this coming Friday.
One of my favorite things…snow days when I don’t have to go anywhere. They are my least favorite things when I have to drive to work during one….but on days off, best ever.
A picture I’d like to share with you…a few taken earlier this morning with the sweet 50mm….

I am very glad you are okay!
Magikal Folk
Thanks! Me Too!
Patricia Floyd
Glad you are okay. Awesome pictures Deb..
Magikal Folk
Thanks PJ