I really like these frames….I think they add something to the photographs. I’m using frames from Isabelle LaFrance again tonight….I have several others from CoffeeShop Free Actions that I want to play around with too. I have also been trying my hand at making my own….perhaps I will be able to offer a free download myself some day soon.
This is my first entry into the two P52 projects I decided to join this year. The first is P52 – A Less Ambitious 365 ~ I love that name by the way ~ and MCP Project 52. Both of these projects are hosted on Flickr so you will need to be a member if you are interested in participating….but never fear, if you don’t have an account and not interested in paying right away, they do offer free accounts with limited storage.
I think I’m set for projects this year….I may do some other types of photography participation here and there ~ when the mood hits I suppose.

Your pictures are always so beautiful. I wish I understood how do use all those tools you talk about!
Magikal Folk
Thanks Penny….they really aren’t that difficult to learn (unless like me you sometimes make them so). I do know of a few sites that offer beginner classes if you are interested.