One of my goals this year is to participate in different photographic challenges…step outside my comfort zone. I Heart Faces is a site I have followed for quite some time but I have never participated in any of their challenges or contests….well, online anyway. Today I’m changing that. The contest is “Smile”…and what better image to submit than the one that always makes me smile when I look at it. These little girls are the younger sisters of my oldest daughter’s dearest friend. While the older girls were off getting ready for their evening, these two little pixies sat and talked with me. They were extremely interested in my camera sitting close by….so I offered to take their photograph. The lighting isn’t optimal…but the shy smile of the bejeweled pixie versus the “take my photo” smile of her sister were so sweet…perhaps you can see why this image is one of my favorites and makes me smile.

I love this! You can see the two girls have very different personalities!
Great photo.
Magikal Folk
They were so very different, but so very close to each other. They were so sweet to each other.