Outside My Window ~ 1.16.11
Outside My Window…is cold and dark. At 8:45 p.m. it is 34°F but feels like 29°F. Cold….cold….cold….every day….Cold. I shouldn’t complain too much because we aren’t buried under snow and ice…we have had lots of sunshine and our temperatures are hovering around average….Cold. It doesn’t help that I got my sticker shock electric bill a few days ago for the last month. I literally gasped when I saw how much it was. I keep my house a little cooler than most….my youngest complains about being cold all the time….we put on sweat pants and long sleeves. I can’t even imagine how much it would have been if I had the thermostat higher.
I am thinking…I’m going to enjoy my day off tomorrow. Nothing special planned….just enjoy the time off.
I am thankful…we finally found a car for Cailin. Finally….finally! This child ~ you do not want to shop for anything with her if it isn’t something she is zeroed in on. We have been seriously “looking” at cars since October….we started with one model and make….one. We expanded that to two…then we changed make and models and finally, finally we have a car that didn’t fall under any of her guidelines but she liked it. We found this at a place I have heard good things about from several different people I know…the price was right and within budget…and she liked it. It is a an older model, 1995 ~ which is the reason we could even consider it and were able to get a very low price, and in great condition . May I present the end to my agony of car shopping..and she said I could drive it too!
From my kitchen…was a pizza for dinner. I wanted something simple and quick ~ it fit the bill. I have been fighting the urge all day long to make a chocolate cake. I don’t need to make this cake….it is so simple to make, but I don’t need to make this cake. It is moist and delicious, but I don’t need to make this cake. Because if I make this cake, I will want to eat every little bit of it! By myself.
I am going…to meet with the roofer’s tomorrow morning so they can do an inside look at the roof before the repairs begin. They were actually suppose to do the roof tomorrow but with rain forecast for tomorrow night and Tuesday morning, they have put it off until Wednesday when there is a clear forecast for a couple of days in a row. They would rather play it safe just in case they can’t get the roof completed in the time allotted. I think that is my preference as well.
I am reading…again. I finished “Twilight” and decided to read the Harry Potter books again. It has been years since I read some of them. I actually decided I wanted to reread them after I went to see the most recent movie, “The Deathly Hallows Part 1” with my sister not too long ago. I was surprised at how little I remembered about that book ~ I’m beginning to wonder if I actually read it or did I intend to but never got around to it? Anyhow….I decided I wanted to read them again after finishing my last book. I just finished “The Sorcerer’s Stone” and will continue on to the next. Oh….by the way, the movie was great! But I have to say how much I hate they are making us wait until the summer for Part 2. Even so, I will not be one of those at the midnight showing. I know my limits and me at a midnight movie equals me fast asleep with possible snoring about five minutes after the movie starts. I would prefer to go when I know that will not happen.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….the “Chronicles of Riddick” on television….the ticking of the keys on the keyboard…an otherwise quiet house.
Around the house…is a few piles of things I need to dispose of from my purging of stuff this weekend. Sometimes I hang on to things longer than I need to….I don’t know why. Maybe it is because as soon as I toss something, give it away or recycle it ~ I’m looking for it a week later. Well, I’m just going to have to look because I’m getting rid of some more stuff.
Plans for the week include…day off tomorrow…..roof repairs midweek….working from home this Friday. I’m trying to work from home at least once a week to help save a few dollars on gas. With heating bills through the roof and adding a brand spanking new driver and another car to my insurance, saving dollars can’t hurt right now.
One of my favorite things…is when you rediscover how much you enjoy doing something. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed relaxing with a good book. I have discovered that I can make time now…and I have discovered that it takes away some of the computer time ~ which is a good thing.
A picture I’d like to share with you…bird love. I love these little birds…I love how they sit in my holly bush and sing to me….I love how they flutter around the feeder in the tree….and I love how they seem to pose for me when I have camera in hand.

stephanie harsh
I finally put Harry Potter on my “to be read” list. I think I’m the last person on earth to not have read them. My sister wanted me to see Deathly Hollows with her when I went to visit in December, but I hadn’t read the books OR seen any of the other movies. Then she tried to convince me to watch the first 6 movies. I got about 15 minutes into the first one and made her turn it off. I liked the movie, so I can only imagine the books will be great.
So, any plans to read the rest of the Twilight series???
Magikal Folk
I think you will like the Harry Potter books Stephanie. The movies are all good…but of course, the books are better.
I do plan on finishing the Twilight series. I was really surprised at how engrossed I became with the first one…I had a really hard time putting it down. I can’t wait to read the other three…but first I need to buy them.
Tracey of These Nine Acres
I love catching up with you! I love the car! I hated the Harry Potter books, but loved the Twilight series. xoxo
Magikal Folk
Thanks Tracey! I’m looking forward to falling in love with the Twilight series too!