Outside My Window ~ 1.30.11
Outside My Window…was an unbelievably beautiful day! For those of you that may be buried under snow, experiencing sleet and snow ~ I must apologize…for us it was blue skies, sunshine and 46°F at around 2:30. There was a slight breeze which made it feel like 42°F but I’m not complaining. The final weekend of January has been fabulous here in southeastern Virginia….sunshine, blue skies and mild temperatures for both Saturday and Sunday. The upcoming week isn’t forecast for bright skies and sunshine however. We are expecting thunderstorms for Wednesday while much of the northeast will experience a winter storm. I’m pretty sure we won’t have to worry about snow because our forecast high for that day is 65°F. Much colder temperatures will follow our balmy day.
I am thinking…I really need to get over this phobia I have of hitting publish on something new. I have created a Facebook page for Magikal Folk Photography. There is not a lot to it right now, just information and a wall page….I would like to add a welcome page but I have yet to figure out how to do so. I know it is possible because I have seen it on others but I don’t see that option when I click on a tab. A real puzzler.
I am thankful…the repairs to my chimney seemed to have fixed my leaking roof problem. When the company I hired got up on the roof and removed the siding from the chimney, they discovered the most likely problem was with the chimney and not the roof itself. It was kind of a good news/bad news/good news situation. Good news….they were able to install a material around the chimney that will stop the leaking problem and I would save a lot of money because they didn’t need to do anything to the roof. Bad news….I need to get my chimney reworked because underneath the siding was wood with a high moisture content. The problem had been water leaking down the chimney underneath the flashing and the siding. I also need a new chimney cap which is quite pricey. Good news….I don’t have to do it right away. Fortunately this isn’t a brick chimney but simply one constructed to go around the insert…but it still won’t be cheap!
From my kitchen…was nothing much this evening but tomorrow night will be a nice southern meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and some sort of green vegetable. I have been craving this meal all weekend. Good for me, probably not. Tasty….oh yea.
I am creating…more projects than I need to be working on at once. I NEED to finish some before starting anything else. And I NEED to keep repeating this every time I start to think about starting something new.
I am going…to be working on editing images from a photo shoot yesterday. This young man was an amazing subject….very photogenic, very personable, very attractive and exploding with energy and ideas. He may be the easiest person I have ever photographed. I’m looking forward to working on these images.
I am reading…Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. I haven’t had a lot of down time this past week so it has been a little here and a little there with this one. I may just decide that one evening is just for reading this week.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….the dryer tumbling some clothes dry…Criminal Minds on television…me yawning quite a bit.
Around the house…more clutter than I care to admit around my work area ~ why is it the clutter begins as a little bit of clutter, walk away and when I return it has multiplied. I don’t get it…I don’t add anything to it, but there is more….always more.
Plans for the week include…editing the photos from the shoot yesterday….finishing up some paperwork….filing taxes….working from home on Wednesday….maybe finishing a project or two.
One of my favorite things…is spending time doing something I love. It was a little cold standing on that hill in Yorktown yesterday afternoon, but I didn’t even notice while I was shooting. Afterwards, I was chilly…but during the shoot ~ I was warm and loving it.
A picture I’d like to share with you…something a little different today. I took this photography around sunset tonight and added a quote I like.

Thought I would share this tutorial with you I found on how to make a welcome page on facebook. I am going to give this a try too. Fab post thanks for sharing.
Magikal Folk
Sharon…Thank You for sharing this tutorial! I have been searching all over Facebook trying to discover a sliver of information on how to create a welcome page. It never dawned on me to look outside of Facebook. I appreciate this!!