Outside My Window ~ 2.14.11
Outside My Window…is a dark yet rather nice evening. Our temperature at 7:30 pm is 63°F and there are some decent winds blowing outside, but can I tell you what an amazing day today was? Well, going to anyway….we had a high of 69°F today with blue skies and sunshine. And yes, the wind was blowing somewhat, but 69° baby! It was wonderful to walk outside and feel the warmth….20° above our norm for this time of year. You couldn’t have asked for a sweeter day in the middle of February. It was like a coming attraction for spring….you know, this is what you can expect soon ~ stay tuned. But there is a catch….tomorrow will be sunny and a high of only 47°F with 15mph winds. Brrrr. February can be quite fickle in this part of the country.
I am thinking…about how weird it was to see a man standing on a knoll in Bicentennial Park in Williamsburg playing the bagpipes as I left work this afternoon. Yea….bagpipes ~ and they were loud. He wasn’t doing a jig or anything, just standing on the knoll playing bagpipes. In Scotland, maybe not so weird….in the middle of a park in Williamsburg, kind of weird.
I am thankful…that I have finished processing the proofs from the photo shoot I did the end of January. They are uploaded into the gallery and ready for viewing. It took about as long as I thought it would take to get them ready, but I would like to develop a better work-flow for processing the images.
From my kitchen…tonight will be leftovers. Nothing frustrates me more than cleaning out the refrigerator and discovering leftovers that have been pushed to the back and forgotten about. Not only are they beginning to take on an interesting texture, but the waste bothers me….especially if it was something very tasty. That is not the leftovers I’m talking about tonight though….these are much fresher.
I am going…to probably have to take the Jeep somewhere to see about the driver’s side window that has either slipped off track or a power window motor problem. Power windows are the best until something happens to them…then they are nothing but a headache.
I am reading…or I should say will soon begin to read the next book in the Harry Potter series….The Prisoner of Azkaban….in a day or so. I was actually going to take a break from this series and read the second book in the Twilight series. All set to do this….walked over to the College Bookstore which is also a Barnes and Noble…..and looked…and looked….and looked all. over. the. entire. store! There were no Twilight books to be found….anywhere. None. Of course I couldn’t believe this to be true so I had to walk all over again. They had Anime and graphic novels a plenty….but no Twilight. In fact, that whole genre was lacking…..kind of odd. But plenty of college guys hanging out around the Anime and graphic novel area…I’m sure it was for educational purposes. The clerks weren’t any help so I will have to wait until I go to the bookstore near my home.
I am hoping…that if everything works out and I end up speaking at the high school to all of the seniors about my photography services, my worst fears aren’t realized. My stomach turns flips whenever I think about it…..my brother-in-law suggested I skip breakfast that morning.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….my wind chimes singing loudly outside ~ the wind must be really blowing now. Otherwise a pretty quiet house ~ very nice.
Around the house…maybe a bit more clutter than there should be since I was busy this past weekend but not too terrible. I will be able to catch up this week.
Plans for the week include…probably taking the Jeep in for window repairs {sigh}…..possibly another photo shoot this coming Saturday ~ details are still sketchy {yea!}…..working from home on Friday just because {again yea!}…..whatever else may catch my interest.
One of my favorite things…is sleeping in on a chilly morning. I use to get up quite early every single day but recently I have enjoyed sleeping in on the weekends. I don’t know if you would consider 9:00 or 9:30 sleeping in….but it is for me ~ and I like it!
A picture I’d like to share with you…a little Alfred Hitchcock in my evening last week…..Birds at Sunset. It actually was amazing and a little creepy….they were everywhere! This was just a sampling.

If you remember…February…fickle here too! 63′ today and snow on Thursday. Ahhh, Colorado!
Magikal Folk
Oh yes, I remember all to well the fickle Colorado weather….one in particular comes to mind when I think about it too. I can remember laying in the sun on a warm Saturday afternoon in June and waking up the very next morning to a blizzard. All I could think was “I’m sunburned from yesterday and now it is snowing…a lot!”.
I just feel like clapping my hands to get these birds to fly off in your photo.
So excited about your high school presentation
I think this will be a huge boom for your photography business.
I wish I could do that but my physical abilities make it a hobby for now ;(
Have a great week. xo
Magikal Folk
A very noisy truck went past and all of the birds actually took off at once not too long after I shot this photograph Ella.
I hope the presentation will create a boom! I heard all of the friends of the gallery I posted yesterday were quite excited and interested! I can only hope.