Outside My Window ~ 2.27.11
Outside My Window…is a relaxing, partly cloudy day. At 4:20, we are at 55°F with a little wind. We may get some showers this evening but tomorrow is when the real weather is due to happen…thunderstorms, wind and 78°F. It will feel like summer outside before we drop back down to our average temperatures for the balance of the week.
I am thinking…I shouldn’t have watched “Million Dollar Baby” today. I love the movie…wonderful acting…interesting story……but it makes me cry ~ every single time I see it. I don’t boo hoo uncontrollably, but there are generally tears in my eyes when it is over. I resisted watching it for a long time ~ I like Clint Eastwood and Hillary Swank, but I wasn’t interested in a boxing movie. One night I was home alone and while checking out what was on television that evening, I ran across the movie just as it was beginning….I don’t think I moved from the couch until it was over. I haven’t seen it in a long time so when it came on again today, I couldn’t resist….but there were tears…..again. A haunting movie….I find myself thinking about it days later.
I am thankful…I was able to go to dinner with my very good friend on her birthday yesterday. We dined at the Cheesecake Factory, joined by her daughter and my youngest (who both happen to be the same age) and another friend of ours. We all did observe that the Cheesecake Factory must be the birthday place to be. Many people came in with gifts and balloons and the sound of their version of the Happy Birthday song filled the restaurant time and again. Speaking of their version, we all agreed it is a bit weird and it throws the song off the way they end it with the name of the restaurant.
From my kitchen…has been a few of the leftovers from last nights dinner. Other than that, I have no idea what I will be cooking, if anything. Like I said when I opened this up….it has been a relaxing and fairly unproductive day.
I am going…to try to wrap this up fairly soon. I’m having the hardest time finishing this….just one of those day I suppose. One thing I am going to do is buy some girl scout cookies this year. The poor girls may need it due to all the troubles they are having this year. I noticed they can no longer sell cookies outside the home of the founder because of a complaint. A complaint….seriously? It can’t be because they are pushy and in your face….I have a harder time walking by the wandering vendors in the mall than the little girls selling cookie goodness! I saw another news story where a policeman told them to pack it up and move along….poor little girls thought they were being arrested and taken to jail. And yet another one, how about the woman in Florida who woke her sleeping roommate up in a rage because the roommate gave the Florida woman’s kids some girl scout cookies. Apparently the kids had been told hands off, so they asked the roommate if they could have some. She didn’t realize they had been told hands off, so she offered to pay her for them when she realized what they had done. Now mind you, she didn’t eat them herself, the crazy lady’s kids did. So Florida woman freaks out and begins to beat her roommate up…she gets away from her and as she is running down stairs, Florida woman is beating her with a board. She finally makes it outside but the Cookie Monster catches up to her and begins to beat her with a sign. The police finally arrived and arrested her. She has been charged with aggravated assault and assault with a deadly weapon. All this over a box of Thin Mints folks….guess some people have their priorities.
I am hoping…that gas prices don’t continue to climb. Yikes, $3.19 per gallon as of yesterday. We were talking yesterday about how summer could be a little duller this year if prices continue to climb. I hear reports on television about how there are no cost of living increases because the cost of living hasn’t gone up….I have to wonder where the powers that be are living because where I live, everything is going up.
I am hearing…the birds outside my living room window at the feeder ~ I love how they sing their little songs while eating lately….the ticking of my many clocks….an otherwise quiet house.
Around the house…dishes need to be washed….laundry to do….and my work area I haven’t gotten around to organizing. I have started, but I’m easily distracted when it comes to things like this.
Plans for the week include…working at home a couple of days to help save on gas….quit ignoring my work area and get it organized….and I might try to get a couple of sewing projects finished.
One of my favorite things…spending time with old friends. Yesterday was a lot of fun…I haven’t spent time with these two individuals in some time. Lots of laughs and reminiscing about the days gone by…good times then and good times last night. We need to do it more often.
A picture I would like to share with you…a lone sea gull. I pulled this up from this time last year…and I don’t know if it was a one legged bird, or if he was just relaxing on one leg. I’m looking forward to the longer days so I can visit my favorite spot and get some more sunset and bird shots.

Brittany E.
I love, love, love the Cheesecake factory and ironically enough I go there every year for my birthday! My goal is to try every single one of their cheesecakes I’m up to about 7 I suppose. However, I’m thinking about stopping my quest because I had their white chocolate macadamia nut cheesecake and I think I died and went to heaven.
P.S.-I would be so happy it gas was $3.19, it is nearly $4.00 here in California. I know I’m still pretty young but I can’t help but be nostalgic for when I was a teen and I could fill my tank with $10.00 dollars!
Magikal Folk
Ironically, I never get cheesecake when I go to the Cheesecake Factory ~ I’m in love with their carrot cake! Actually not a big cheesecake fan ~ I like it, but don’t love it.
Just love that gull shot. Beautiful capture.
Magikal Folk
Thank you Sharon ~ our gulls are very cooperative sometimes.
I felt the same way about “Boys Don’t Cry”. Schools were closed today because of ice. sigh.
Magikal Folk
Penny, I had forgotten about “Boys Don’t Cry”….and you are right, that was another fabulous movie that haunts you long after you have seen it.
I think our days of ice have come and gone for the season…still more fairly cool days, but I doubt we will see any more ice or snow.
Farmgirl Susan
I love your bird photo.
Magikal Folk
Thanks Susan ~ glad you stopped by!!