Waiting For Dinner
Yesterday I heard a constant bird chirping outside the kitchen window so I went to investigate. Sometimes it is a cat lurking about and the birds are sounding the alarm. This time someone was letting me know I needed to fill the bird feeder….
My camera was close by so as the bird sang her song I grabbed it and took a couple of shots. I knew if I walked over and attempted to raise the blinds…food or no food, she would have been gone so I focused in on her and hoped for the best. Not too bad actually…and how cute is she posing for me? I did go out and fill the feeder after I took these….after all, she did ask nicely.

Your birds yell at you too lol??
Magikal Folk
Yes, they seem a bit put out when I don’t keep the feeders up to date.
Wonderful shots. They tell a story.
Magikal Folk
Thanks Sharon….sometimes I forget that everything doesn’t always need to be perfect in order to be good or convey a message. And sometimes I don’t.
Brittany E.
LOL I’m a little bit scared of birds because my brother was once attacked by a blue jay (but I”m pretty sure he deserved it). So that would bother me a little bit, but I have seen my mom’s humming birds get a little bit pushy when she doesn’t refill the feeder. Funny birds. Beautiful shots.
Magikal Folk
Thanks Brittany! Bluejays can be mean…they are sometimes called bullies in the bird world….or so I have heard. I know what you mean about hummingbirds…my parents have feeders and I have seen them gather and wait.