Outside My Window ~ 5.1.2011
Outside My Window…is another Sunday winding down as the sun sets and the light fades. At 7:20 this evening, the temperature is 62°F with very low humidity. When I went outside early this morning it was quite cool ~ probably about 50°F although I didn’t verify that, just my best guess. Our high here was 70°F…but I wasn’t here to experience the day, I spent my day in Shawboro, North Carolina where it was equally as gorgeous.
I am glad…I took the trip to the little town of Shawboro today. This was the first Sunday in May, the day the Sanderlin family reunion is held each year. I’m not certain how many years they have had this reunion, but I do know it has been going on for quite some time.
I am thinking…I enjoyed the drive down to Shawboro today. There were farmer’s plowing their fields with old tractors…there were fields green with new wheat crops or buttercups as far as you could see. I am thinking I enjoyed talking and laughing with my aunts, uncles and cousins…and how much I wish I could laugh and talk with the ones who use to come but have passed on. The attendance seemed a little light to me this year….there seems to be fewer and fewer attending as time goes on. I can remember when the little community center couldn’t hold another person comfortably….and when the pot luck dishes would fill many tables with one entire table dedicated just for the homemade desserts. Not so much like that any longer.
From my kitchen…wasn’t much today since I was out of the house for most of the day. Fast food for dinner…not my favorite but it was quick and I was hungry.
I am currently working on…wrapping up my vacation images. I worked on them all evening Friday and would have finished on Saturday but I had promised my youngest we would work on getting her room ready with the hopes of possibly painting it in the very near future. It is that time again I suppose. I dread painting the interior of this house again but I suppose it has to be done. It has been several years since I painted her room….as well as the rest of the house. The only bonus I have this time, there is no wall paper to take down. After taking down wallpaper to paint the last time ~ oh and did I mention that all the rooms had a border all around the top too ~ I swore I would never have it in my house again. It is a vow I intend to keep by the way….what a headache. At least this time I will only have to move furniture ~ that should take some time off of the task.
I am going to…to finish up my rain barrel and hopefully have it set up by the time we have the rain forecast for Wednesday. I went to the class yesterday and got the new one to the point of set up if I wanted but I am going to connect this one to the one I made last year. I decided last year I was going to get another one when I watched how much was coming out the overflow after one little rain fall. I had told the class instructor what I had planned on doing so she would have a second hole drilled in my barrel ~ one to connect it to my original barrel and another for the overflow. I need to get a small hose for the connection to happen and parts for my overflow. I don’t want to seem like I’m beating the environmental drum all the time, but if you are interested in saving money on water…or simply saving water….you really should investigate getting a rain barrel.
I am currently reading…my Harry Potter series. This is a slow go lately….not a whole lot of free time and when there is I seem to find other things to fill it with.
I am hoping…this gorgeous weather hangs out a little longer. Low temperatures plus low humidity equals perfection around here. The heat and humidity will be here soon enough.
I am hearing…the dryer tumbling Cailin’s clothes dry….the movie “Final Destination 2” on television…and not too much else because the dryer is loud and the television is louder.
Plans for the week include…working from home a couple of days this week….hanging new blinds in the girls room….possibly visiting a large flea market in Williamsburg on Saturday ~ haven’t decided on that one yet.
One of life’s little pleasures is…a beautiful day….a car ride…visiting with family….time alone at the place where those that are no longer here now rest…me and my camera doing what we do best.
From my camera…meet Leo the Peacock ~ a resident of Blue Bird Gap Farm. I shot this after my rain barrel workshop. I caught one of the worker’s at the farm scolding him for attempting to get into the barn ~ which is how I know his name. As he walked away from the worker, I followed and began to photograph him…and he was quite the model too. Here is one of my favorites…

Good luck with your room painting. I still have a few paint rollers soaking in the bathtub from our decorating. I’ve been too lazy to finish the job and rinse them properly. So if you want to drop by and finish tidying my mess you can borrow them and have my leftover pink candyfloss paint and the small bit of mint green too! For the cost of a visit to me I am thinking you could get the professionals in to do it for you and have some change left over too! Great peacock photo. I was trying to zoom in to see if I could see your reflection caught in his eye. The detail is so crisp, you did well to get such a great shot without him running away or pecking you!
Magikal Folk
Thanks Gina! Nothing I would like better than to visit you in Australia….although you are right about the cost! Might be a pricey paint job.
We were told years ago that we were not allowed to collect rain here in Colorado. Possibly because it is considered semi-arrid. I will have to check into it.
And ~ I also love to photograph peacocks. They are really quite curious and friendly at the resort we visit in Mexico. I will miss them this year. I love their call.
Hope you had a Happy May Day. It sounds like it. We enjoyed a cocktail at Chili’s and then all 3 girls & I had our toes did. I do it for their birthdays every year and since we leave for Florida Thursday, I thought this would be a good time. I just wish Niki was joining us there. Oh well, maybe another time.
Have a good week.
Magikal Folk
That is interesting about the water collection ~ I would think they would like you to collect to save water usage from the system. Sounds like your May Day was a very nice one….I would love to get another pedicure….soon!