Outside My Window ~ 5.22.11
Outside my window…is a fabulous morning! At 11:00 a.m., we have blue skies, sunshine and 79°F. Our forecast high is 85°F today. I have a feeling all roads leading to the beaches will be crowded today. Of course the water is still brrrrrr chilly and will definitely take your breath when it hits you, but a quick run in and out on a hot day will feel nice. We do have a slight chance of isolated thunderstorms this evening and tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow and the rest of the week, it will be even warmer with 88°F for our highs and 70°F for our lows. Welcome summer?
I am thinking…about our day of prom dress shopping yesterday. Initially we were going to go on Wednesday but a cluster of thunderstorms moving through our area that afternoon caused a change in plans. I’m still experiencing the sticker shock from our trip yesterday. I had no idea they cost that much….no idea. Sadly the ones that didn’t cost very much looked like they didn’t cost very much….and they were kind of ugly. Unfortunately we didn’t come away with a dress. There was one that was a high possibility and even if we get that one it will need altering…but I was kind of hoping to eat this next month so we are still looking. It is getting down to crunch time, daughter number 2 is beginning to panic and we are running out of options. The stress level alert may be upgraded to red very soon….I’m really not looking forward to that.
From my kitchen…is a recipe for Gorgonzola-Alfredo sauce. The sauce is creamy with a provocative flavor…..in other words, if you don’t care for blue cheese, you may not care for this. Gorgonzola is a blue cheese originating from Italy. You can use another type of blue cheese, or cheese for that matter, but the flavor and consistency will differ. I used Gorgonzola because I wanted to try to imitate the sauce used in the Steak Gorgonzola-Alfredo at Olive Garden….a very tasty dish in my opinion. I don’t have a photograph of the actual dish I have prepared so I used another pasta image I had. Enjoy!
I am currently working on…everything and nothing. It seems like I have all these projects going on and I’m getting nothing accomplished. Quite frustrating. Part of the problem, I start too many things at once….I’m working on this and I go to get something I need to help with that project and I notice something else that needs doing. Next thing I know, I have forgotten about thing one and begin to work on thing two. It seems my attention span is that of a gnat lately. Again, quite frustrating.
I am going to…go out again this afternoon in our quest for a dress.
I am hoping…we are successful in our quest.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….the hum of the refrigerator….Cailin typing on her keyboard….Harry Potter weekend on television. I suppose this is getting everyone primed for the final movie that will be coming out this summer.
Plans for the week include…working from home on Monday….a doctor appointment for Cailin on Monday afternoon….hopefully no dress shopping….wishing my oldest brother a Happy Birthday on Monday and a Happy Birthday to my nephew on Tuesday.
One of life’s little pleasures…is enjoying great weather and lazy weekends. I’m enjoying the great weather….unfortunately my weekend has not been lazy.
From my camera…is the sister image for Long Ago. This old piano resides in the Community Center where the Sanderlin Family reunion is held in Shawboro, North Carolina. At the end of the day, several of us took a few photographs before leaving. You may have seen my first one, the above mentioned Long Ago featured the exterior, You Are The Music features the insides…complete with cobwebs.

You are going through the same frustration as my friend in WA, only she is looking for a dress for her daughter’s wedding in August. Oh and shoes…wide and little. She has resigned to wearing a gunnie sack & tissue boxes for her feet!
her problem is she is petite in heights but not in boobs. Petites assume you are petite all over, not just vertically challenged.
I wish her luck. And you also in your prom dress quest. I am so glad I am done!
Magikal Folk
We went back for the high possibility….guess it is beans and weenies for a while.