Gone Fishing
I’m surprised at the different birds I have seen this spring. There were the kind of creepy birds at the boat dock. I also published a series of photos a short time ago of what I thought was a White Heron when actually it is a Great Egret. I realized my mistake when I was looking up information on this bird.
I shot this Green Heron around sunset a week or so ago…he was fishing for creatures in the water. At first I didn’t notice him on the bank because he was very still. He stood for a bit then continued on his quest for water creatures. He would walk along the bank surveying the water and if something caught his eye, he went wading.

Scott@My Photo Adventures
Cool Heron and nice shots.
Magikal Folk
Thanks Scott…I don’t think I have ever seen a green heron, didn’t even know they existed.
Maybe that is the heron version of us standing in front of an open refrigerator until we see something we want lol
Magikal Folk
Could be Penny….could be.