Things That Made Me Smile This Week

Things that made me smile this week…

Home-cooked goodness at my mom’s house…

Dress found…no more shopping…sweet…  😉

Backyard ducks….

Seeing my tomatoes multiply…

A bloom from a plant that made it through the winter in the house when I had my doubts…

Gazing at my fountain as I enjoyed a backyard corner filled with jasmine…

Fungi enjoying a new hangout…

Welcoming back old friends….

What made you smile this week?  🙂

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  • Penny

    I wish I could take a beautiful picture like you do. We have a husband and wife duck couple here that have hung around the lakes surrounding out house for 7 years. They are adorable!

    • Magikal Folk

      If you picked up the camera enough times and shot photographs….you might just surprise yourself Penny. What you see is the result of a lot of practice and patience! 🙂

  • L. Delegal

    Hey Debbie, thanks for stopping by my SmugMug account. I wish I knew the problem with using the Google account, but don’t know what it is. I know I’ve had that trouble before with other websites and have never been able to leave a comment. Anyway, thanks. I love doing this daily photo thing, but sometimes it’s taxing and all I want to do is NOTHING instead. Ha ha. Love your first photo. It reminds me of Sunday dinner in my home community–fried chicken, Tuperware salt & pepper shakers, everyday dishes, iced tea, and everyone seated at the same table. Hope you have a blessed Memorial Day.

    • Magikal Folk

      Thanks Laura! I’m very glad you do the daily photo thing…a pleasure to view each day. The Sunday dinners you describe have been a part of my entire life….my mother was from a tiny town (Shawboro) in North Carolina and my father was from a tiny town (Castleberry) in Alabama. I been very fortunate to sit down to many southern dinners in my life time and they were some of the best I have ever had. 🙂