Outside My Window ~ 6.5.2011
Outside my window…is a fairly warm, overcast day. At almost 2:00 today, the temperature was 78°F which is close to our average for this time of year. This morning thunder and rain woke me at an early hour….and what a rain storm it was too. We received about .85 inches of rain ~ enough to fill both my rain barrels back to the top (plus some I’m sure) and soak the heat parched ground. It had been hot here this past week with temperatures in the low to mid 90’s so the morning rain was welcome. I had been watering my newly planted seeds as well as other plants with rain water from my barrels so I had depleted my stores somewhat. I am glad to see them filled to the top once again because it seems we are going to have another hot, dry week with temperatures climbing to 98°F on Thursday before dropping back down to the mid 80’s by the weekend. Groan…I really don’t enjoy these kind of temperatures this early in the season….it makes me wonder what our typical hot months of July and August will bring.
I am glad…prom has come and gone. Everything fell into place and getting ready wasn’t quite as stressful as I anticipated….although Cailin said she isn’t so sure she wants to go through all this for her own next year. From what I have heard, the kids had a really good time.
I am thinking…about how today had a lazy kind of feel to it. I went back to sleep this morning while listening to the thunder and rain, slept in a lot longer than I normally do and that made me lazy. I actually spent most of the day on the computer working on prom images.
From my kitchen…was pork medallions with balsamic vinegar sauce, cream corn and cous cous. I also enjoyed a tomato and cucumber salad. Yum!
I am working on…prom images taken last night….just about done actually, but still a few more to do.
I am going to…go to be a little early this evening even though I slept late. I have been feeling a little run down and out of sorts lately…I want to make sure I don’t end up with a summer cold.
I am hoping…to make it through this next week at work without killing someone. This is our last week for the departments to get their paperwork in if they want something paid this fiscal year. And of course everyone has waited until the last minute. What is that saying….your inability to plan ahead does not constitute an emergency for me. The end.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….the hum of the refrigerator….a commercial on television. Have you noticed how a lot of the commercials now have popular songs as their theme or background song. I can’t hear the song by Heart, “What About Love”, without thinking of a stupid mop commercial…and I hate that. I realize that is their ploy…but trust me, using a song from my younger days to hawk stupid cleaning products…not going to work.
Plans for the week include…making it through this week at work with my sanity….picking a day or two to work from home…finishing up the prom images.
One of life’s little pleasures…watching your baby girl radiate happiness before she leaves for her first prom!
From my camera…I really don’t need to tell you right….you knew this was coming didn’t you? A few images from last night…Cailin and her boyfriend. He attends a different high school than my daughter and this was his prom. They requested we take some photographs at City Center by the fountains…..but first I caught one right after he arrived to pick her up….
My sweet girl…

The stress for the dress was well worth it! She looks beautiful!
Magikal Folk
Thanks Gina! I have to agree ~ but then I may be a little bit partial!