Outside My Window ~ 7.11.11
Outside my window…is a warm and relatively humid night. At 9:00 this evening we are currently at 85°F but it feels like 91°F. I just stepped outside to see if it was still that warm outside…it is. I suppose this is the head start to a high of 98°F forecast for tomorrow. I can’t get over the 90+ temperature days we have had so far this year. I think there are more than a few people that will agree that this has been a hot, miserable season thus far.
I am glad…the blinding migraine that paid me a visit yesterday has decided to let up enough so I can almost function like a normal person again however this week will be a shorter version than normal.
From my kitchen…is the recipe I mentioned for Pineapple Coconut Ice Cream that you can make without an ice cream maker. I fell in love with this flavor the first time I tasted it a PF Chang’s restaurant. I later discovered Hagen Das sold this flavor as well…but well, you know while their ice cream is so very tasty, it is also a little bit more than I want to spend for a small container of ice cream on a regular basis…thus my desire to duplicate the flavor. This is pretty close folks….and very tasty.
I am working on…my photographs and scanning the same. I never realized just how many photographs I had until I started sorting them in preparation for scanning. Let’s just say…a lot.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….Criminal Minds on television ~ turned down lower than normal lest we wake the headache …. the hum of my ceiling fan.
Plans for the week include…working from home tomorrow and going to a dentist appointment…hopefully finalizing details with the insurance company regarding my daughter’s car ~ which in case some of you didn’t see the post on Saturday, the other person’s insurance will be taking responsibility for the accident (yea!)…a fairly uneventful week actually.
From my camera…are a few random photographs. First up…I caught this raccoon dining in a Loblolly pine across from my house ~ I don’t know what he was dining on, nor did I really want to. Next is a brown thrasher I caught at sunset one evening ~ do you see him sitting in the middle of the tree? Finally, I posted a sunset image on my Saturday post but what you didn’t know is there had been a tremendous rain storm prior to that. The rain had just stopped when I got down to the dock area and to the right of the sunset was a weird cloud formation and what appears to be the tail end of the storm that had moved over us.