A Weird Week
It has been a weird week…and it isn’t over yet.
On Sunday, I found out a dear friend had passed away the night before…

On Tuesday, we had an earthquake ~ 5.9 magnitude ~ the strongest quake to hit Virginia in the last 100 years. Yes, Virginia has earthquakes ~ however you normally don’t even notice them. I felt this one yesterday…it was the second time I have experienced an earthquake. I didn’t particularly enjoy it either time.
We were in one of the “strong” blobs near near Newport News.
And coming attractions ~ Hurricane Irene….closing in on where? Hurricanes are interesting I think…you watch them form and then march across the ocean to who knows where. Pros ~ you have days to prepare for what is to come….Cons ~ preparations never seem to be enough if you happen to get hit by one. I’m hoping we have a miss this time…
I’m ready for this week to be over.