Storm of a lifetime?
We experienced a thunderstorm last night…a nice saturating rain. This was not from Hurricane Irene…this was because of a front that was moving east but stalled west of us. This is the front that is going to steer Hurricane Irene right up the coast to New England…giving us all an extremely soggy and windy hug all the way up. Trust me, no one is particularly excited at the thought…nervous is a better word…a little anxious. I’m not looking forward to long hours of howling winds and rain. We are now under a hurricane warning and a flood watch….a warning means hurricane conditions are imminent in the next 36 hours. I have been accumulating ice and will buy a bag or two on the way home if I can find some ~ just in case. I have a couple of cases of water to drink and I will batten down the hatches this afternoon when I get home. I have a few more things to do, but just about ready to hunker down and ride it out.
One thing that really bites….these were just beginning to go nuts….
I don’t know if they will survive.

All my Lillies Of The Valley were destroyed just as they were coming up by the tornados that went over our house a few months ago. So sad. Stay safe!!
Magikal Folk
Thanks Penny! If the plants go and the house makes it…I will be a happy camper!
Laura Delegal
Love morning glories. They remind me of childhood.
Magikal Folk
I love them too….and happily they made it through the storm!
A little frazzled looking, but still blooming those big blue blooms!