Thursday Thoughts
{Zinnia ~ before Hurricane Irene took them away}
~ Summer is officially over tomorrow….another one has come and gone…they seem to come and go much quicker as I have grown older….however I’m ready for fall.
~ My daughter’s car has been repaired and is back on the road again…happily the repairs were reasonable….as reasonable as car repairs can be I suppose.
~ Dinner at my mother’s house tonight was excellent…pork roast, boiled potatoes with baby limas….I ate to much.
~ We are in a heavy rain pattern for the next four days…currently under a flash flood watch until midnight Saturday….our forecast is for 4 or more inches of rain….the ground is already saturated….if only there was a way to share with all the places that are starving for moisture.
~ I’m not fond of the changes with Facebook…I’m not alone.

Hmmmmm….. I’m with you on the FaceBook changes. I don’t know why they keep changing things around. If it aint broke, don’t fix it! I’m so glad your daughters car repairs were reasonable. Heavy rain here too, and we are officially in Sprintime. Can’t wait for things to dry out a little.
Magikal Folk
I always enjoy the difference in seasons between the two of us….like you, I can’t wait for things to dry out a little bit so I can get out, enjoy the cooler weather and appreciate the fall season. I hope to get a lot more photographs in the coming months.