Outside My Window ~ 9.26.11
Outside my window…in a word ~ wet. We are so wet around here I noticed mushroom rings popping up in lawns everywhere. The fairies have been busy! We had rain showers on and off all weekend at varying degrees. This morning began as foggy and graduated to mostly cloudy by the time I got off work….just enough sunlight to require sunglasses while I drove home. Currently at 9:45 we are at 74°F with a forecast low of 70°F and scattered thunderstorms tonight. Tomorrow there is a greater chance of rain and a high of 80°F which is where we will hover until Saturday when we will get no higher than the mid 60’s for the next three days or so. I’m looking forward to that.
I am thinking…about this coming Saturday. I will be participating in the 4th Annual Scott Kelby Photo Walk late that afternoon at Fort Monroe in Hampton, VA. Last year I had signed up for the walk in Yorktown, VA however I was unable to attend. I was looking forward to going again this year however no one created a group for Yorktown this year so I opted for Fort Monroe. I have been anxious to get on Fort Monroe for some time but until recently, it was an operational Army base. There may have been a way I could have signed in and gotten a pass for access to the base…I just never explored that option. I guess I thought they may have frowned on the only reason I wanted on there was to photograph everything. I’m looking forward to Saturday…my sister and a co-worker will be joining me this year. Our walk is scheduled late enough we should be able to shoot the sunset along with all the other historic scenery. I’m hoping it will be awesome!
I am glad…I am close to completing the wedding photographs but a little sad I was unable to finish them earlier as I had hoped. They are coming along beautifully and I should be finished by the weekend.
From my kitchen…was a pasta salad with shrimp scampi this evening. I have really been craving a salad lately but didn’t have the necessary ingredients to create one this evening. I have to do a little shopping before the salad can happen.
I am going to…try to manage to get to be at a reasonable hour every night this week. I do so much better after a good nights sleep….work goes smoother….the evening home is more enjoyable…all around better days. Now if I can just do it and not stretch the evenings out so late!
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks…an annoying commercial on television…an otherwise quiet house.
Plans for the week include…attending a conference on college planning at school for my youngest daughter this Wednesday morning…trying to squeeze in one day working at home prior to my supervisor going on vacation the end of this week ~ and staying gone throughout the following week….getting myself together for the photo walk this Saturday.
One of life’s little pleasures…walking outside the front door on a hot, rainy day and catching the scent of my lavender bush full force. It may have been dreary and humid outside this weekend but it seems when it comes to hot and humid, lavender plants work overtime and the aroma is amazing. I will probably get another harvest out of the plant this year before the cold weather arrives as well. I did notice a patch of the bush that seems to have died….I’m hoping it isn’t serious and something that can be trimmed away without harming the bush itself.
From my camera…the color of sunset this evening…no scenery….just the colors. Beautiful….