What I have learned from watching scary movies…
:: It is never a good idea to get out of your car in the dark to check out a body laying on a dark and desolate road. Never.
:: People who move in quick, jerky motions and flicker on and off….not the kind of folks you want to spend much time with because they are generally ghosts of some sort.
:: Towns that appear deserted when they are normally bustling with people and activity should be avoided at all costs.
:: Same goes for deserted houses…especially if it looks like someone hasn’t lived there and forever and the last resident was a crazed killer.
:: Run down hotels in the middle of no where are 9 times out of 10 going to have a nut job working there. Don’t take showers at these motels…ever.
:: While you are running for your life and you stop to catch your breath and hear a weird noise, I strongly recommend you pick up the pace once again because whatever you were running from has caught up with you.
Like my little Halloween composition, go here to learn how to do it yourself…links to all the resources are shown below: 1st Background Model 2nd Background Model Broken Glass Brush Stitches Brush Blood Splatter Brush Antigrayted Texture
I hope you had a Happy Halloween. Love the Halloween composition. *smile*
Magikal Folk
Thanks Liz….a good Halloween albeit a very quiet one. 🙂
e l l a
WOWWWW – that is a crazy comp!
You are damn good with that photoshop 😉
Excellent job Debbie 😉
Magikal Folk
Thanks Ella….many, many layers ~ but it was fun! 🙂