Two More Free December Desktop Calendars
I’m really hoping I get the hang of this sooner rather than later….if you saw my earlier post you discovered a deactivated link because once I got to work I discovered the sizes weren’t working…….and I forgot to add the 31st on the calendar!! Groan. In my defense it was a fairly stressful night what with the software issues. I had to un-install and reinstall and all seems to be running fine now so I was able to do a couple more this evening.
I think these are good to go….or I should say I hope these are good to go now. I believe I will do a few test runs prior to actually publishing next month until I’m sure I have gotten the hang of this but for now, here we go….. first up….
The red leaves of my red leaf maple tree…and notice we have all the days.
Download the zip file containing six different sizes here
And….a bit more seasonal…
….from my holly bush. Download the zip file containing six different sizes here
And I will include the other as well….
The snow scene….six different sizes…download here.
After the download is complete, extract the files by right clicking your downloaded file and selecting “extract all”….choose a location or accept the location the computer suggests {make sure you take note where the file was extracted}. Now you are ready to get your calendar….find the extracted file, open and select the size that will best suit your monitor….right click on image and select “set as desktop background”.

Wow! These are beautiful.
Magikal Folk
Thanks Liz….hope you get some use from one (or all) of them.