Outside My Window ~ 12.4.2011
Outside my window…is a fairly mild night after a beautiful day today. Our high today was around 65°F with sunshine and blue skies. This evening is partly cloudy and 47°F at about 8:30. Tomorrow and Tuesday with be a carbon copy of today however rain will move into our area Tuesday evening {as well as more seasonal temperatures} and last until at least Thursday. It was a wonderful day today…and I was lucky enough to have picked this day to put up the outside lights…this day! Putting up the lights wouldn’t normally be that big of a deal for me because the people that I bought this house from had put up hook all along the roof top and around the front window so I simply uncoil the lights and hang them on the hooks. No stapling….no gutter or roof top hangers…hooks already installed, spaced perfectly apart. What makes this a longer process is I always…always….have to cut back the azaleas and trim the red leaf maple…always. I doesn’t matter if I trimmed them earlier in the year, I still end up trimming them before I can put up the lights. I definitely needed to do so this year….I never did cut any of them back this year so they were in dire need of trimming. The activity was good….I also cut the red leaf maple back quite a bit this year because it was getting too big and full along the outer branches, not much on the inside of the tree except bare branches. Hopefully with this cut, it will fill in the interior and create a fuller tree next spring…. and stay fairly compact….hopefully.
I am thinking about…too many things at one time. Things to do…things I want to do…things I need to so…people I need to send emails to {how in the world can so many days have gone by since I got your emails?!?!}…gifts to make….cards to send. I’m also thinking why do I feel like it is later in the month than it actually is….I’m feeling this sense of “time running out”…and it is only the 4th. What am I going to feel like the week before Christmas?
I am glad…that I was able to get the outside lights up today. I didn’t get around to it last weekend. I knew it was a chore that would have to be accomplished during a weekend because it is too dark when I get home…and as much as I like them, no way was I going out in the dark and trying to hang lights. Not even thinking about the trimming that was necessary. And as I mentioned earlier….best day ever to hang lights.
From my kitchen…is a turkey sausage recipe I wanted to share. I make several large patties (about the size of a small hamburger) and several small patties. Sometimes I will just eat the large one with a piece of fruit….other times the smaller ones with eggs. They are tasty but a little plain for my taste…not very spicy…as I indicated, I only posted the basic recipe as it was written and posted. The next time I make these I’m going to add more red pepper and experiment with different spices. If you experiment with the recipe and find a nice combination, let me know so I can give it a try as well.
I am going…to work on several projects I have swirling around in my head. I may create another desktop calendar…maybe a Christmas themed one? Not sure yet. If you don’t know what I’m talking about and want to check them out, visit this post . I plan to add a new selection of calendars each month…there are still some bugs I’m working out but hopefully it will all click soon.
I am hearing…the washer spinning Cailin’s clothes….the ticking of my many clocks….Criminal Minds on television. Sadly no “Walking Dead” this Sunday….no more new shows until February. But !WOW! what a mid season finale they had last Sunday! Unexpected events…some questions answered….new questions raised. I didn’t think I would like this show….I’m not sure why I didn’t because I do like horror movies…scary movies. I was hooked after I saw the first episode during a marathon prior to the beginning of season two. It is not for the faint of heart….it is about zombies after all.
Plans for the week include…working from home on Tuesday….plugging away at the piles of work on my desk that seem to be getting smaller {or maybe I’m just seeing what I want to see?}….getting up early on Saturday to hopefully witness some of the lunar eclipse before the moon sets ~ and maybe a few photos but I’m not sure if I will be able to. I will try if it is possible.
One of life’s little moments…feeling like a kid again when I flip the switch to turn on the Christmas lights outside.
From my camera…tree up and decorated ~ check…..outside lights up ~ check…..

Laura Delegal
Beautiful. Love the white.
Magikal Folk
Thanks Laura….I went from colorful when the girls were young to white with a touch of color after they got older. I call it my big girl tree.