Outside My Window ~ 1.15.2012
Outside my window…is a pretty chilly night. Right now…about 9:00 in the evening….we are at 27°F….chilly. No wind to speak of and clear skies….part of the reason we are so cold is because there is no cloud cover. Today was clear, blue skies and sunshine….and chilly. I decided to have a fire this evening…one of the things that attracted me to my house was the fireplace with an insert….the old school kind that requires wood. I can close the doors, flip a switch and the heat generated will drive you straight out of the room. I would rather leave the doors open with the screen closed though….I like to gaze into the fire sometimes. I’m wishing my desk was a little closer to it….but right now…..
I’m thinking about…how nice and toasty said fire is.
I am glad…tomorrow is a day off. I missed a couple of days last week because I wasn’t feeling well. I’m grateful for this extra day to catch up on some things around the house that were neglected last week.
From my kitchen…is an old favorite, Grilled Chicken Caesar Wrap for dinner. I wasn’t able to try anything new this week…wait, I take that back….I did try one new recipe but it is back to the drawing board on that one. It is a good idea…but not the way it is currently written.
I am going…to work on editing baby shower photographs that were taken today….and in the not too distant future we will be getting together for a maternity session. I looked around their house today ~ not like a creeper or anything….and noticed in the main rooms there was lots of windows which equal plenty of natural light, a beautiful deck….and a motorcycle. We could really make it interesting….not to mention a warm house and hot chocolate would be within darting distance. I’m not sure what she has in mind but I did let her know that her house could definitely be an option. A lot of people have beautiful light in their homes and may not even realize it…..that is the first thing I notice when I walk in to a place.
I am working on…rearranging a few things in the house. I have my new work area rearranged and set up. I think I may have finally hit on a very workable solution. Still a bit of this and that to sort through but for the most part it is set. Big plus as a result of this move ~ my monitor is now at eye level. It hasn’t been this way for very long but I can already feel an improvement in neck/shoulder stress and posture….I am more comfortable working on my photographs.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….my daughter’s radio in her car ~ which is odd because I’m in the house and the front door is closed ~ and she wonders why I don’t want to ride with her….Resident Evil ~ Apocalypse on television…you definitely want Alice on your team if your planning a trip to Raccoon City. I do enjoy the zombie movies and shows….they have come a long way since I saw my first one.
Plans for the week include…back to work on Tuesday….finish the baby shower images….finish my little rearrangement project…deliver some calendars I promised to family.
One of life’s little pleasures…holding sweet babies as much as you want and when they cry ~ you can give them back to their mothers, go home and sleep undisturbed all night.
From my camera…a wonderful discovery! I have several photographs in the box where I had neglected to write the dates on them. That was the case with this image…{some of you may recognize a much younger version of yourselves }….I was so disappointed I did not write the date when this was taken. But you will also notice if you visit the link, I did an update because of this little box of negatives. Once I “found” it again, I discovered negatives filed neatly away with dates written on the envelopes! Who knew when I was being so anal and writing all the info down on the negative envelopes it would come in handy all these years later. And yes, I do wear the gloves when I handle the film negatives….

Clicked the link. WOW! I remember us when we were that age. Seems like forever ago.
Oh, and one of the best things about being a grandma is exactly that… you can hold the babies and when they cry or poop give them back. You can have the kids when you want. When they are being brats, they are home or you can let Mom or Dad handle it. Love it!
The good thing is, they are usually good for Grandma & Grandpa, especially Grandma. ;0)
Magikal Folk
Yea….no grandma action going on here yet!
A couple of my daughter’s friends but that is as close as I am to that.