Outside My Window ~ 1.22.2012
Outside my window…is a cold and cloudy night. Currently at about 9:30 this evening we are at 37°F….our forecast low tonight is one degree colder than the current temperature. I have a nice little fire burning in the fireplace to take the chill off the house. My youngest daughter would like me to crank up the heat however I would rather have a nice fire than pay the power company that much more each month.
I am thinking about…how spoiled we have been this past winter. Today my youngest daughter and I went out to run errands…we complained about how cold it was as if we had been experiencing this kind of weather for days on end. We haven’t….we have had an extremely mild winter this year…it hasn’t even snowed. Well….take that back, I think it did flurry snow one day but that didn’t even make it to the ground. This reminds me of the winter I bought my snow shovel. The year before I purchased it we had several snow storms with one particularly heavy one. Each time it snowed, I had to shovel the sidewalks and parking area with a standard shovel. Needless to say it worked me nearly to death! The following year the forecast called for yet another powerful storm headed our way. I left work that day and went directly to the store and purchased the snow shovel. That forecast storm did not materialize, nor did any other storm the entire winter. Of course I have gotten my moneys worth since that season….but the first one, not a single drop of snow that winter…and a brand new snow shovel sitting in the shed that never did get used. I do realize I may have just jinxed myself too….but I don’t think that will happen any time soon, we will be in the low to mid 60’s tomorrow.
I am glad…our new Director at work is a people person. I like her personality and so far I’m a lot more comfortable and optimistic with her than I was the previous one. I hope she lasts longer than three months!
I am going…to sit back and relax because I have finished and filed my taxes for the 2011. I know…mad early!
I am working on…finishing up the baby shower images from last Sunday. I had quite a few to edit….probably more than normal because I had a hard time selecting just a few. I’m also pondering a redesign of some things….and I need to continue to ponder because I have a tendency to take on too many projects at one time. I’m trying to stop doing that….it is harder than I expected but I’m fighting the urge.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks…..my daughter’s and their friend laughing occasionally and making comments while watching the movie “Eclipse” ~ and yes, if you are wondering….we did watch the same movie not so long ago. A different friend that had not seen the movie was here for dinner so the DVD is getting another work out tonight. It is funny to listen…we have Team Jacob and Team Edward and the comments are hysterical during particular scenes.
Plans for the week include…working from home tomorrow and then the dentist later in the afternoon ~ this time is prep work for a bridge and crown that I must have…..a meeting with our new Director on Tuesday that I’m looking forward to, will be nice to see what direction she is moving towards.
One of life’s little pleasures…biscuits that come out of the oven light, fluffy and tasty. I made garlic and cheese herb biscuits with dinner tonight and they were quite tasty….always a plus when they are edible.
From my camera…playing around with some free layer masks by Shadowhouse Creations. If you like working with textures, Jerry has many different kinds and styles to choose from…free of charge too.

Laura Delegal
Love this picture.
Magikal Folk
Thanks Laura…a little bit of what I see on my way home from work while on the Colonial Parkway in Williamsburg.