Outside My Window ~ 1.30.12
Outside my window…is a chilly 41°F at close to 11:00 in the evening. I’m constantly amazed at how time flies when you are at home…crawls when you are at work. I was doing some work at home this evening ~ photography related ~ but time doesn’t crawl when I doing that type of work. Sigh. We have had one of the strangest winters I can remember in a long time…but I got snow from Colorado in the mail the other day. Yes, snow….in the mail…I’ll show you one day soon.
I am thinking about…what made me believe that I could eat chicken wings and work on this post this evening. Could be another reason this post is so late tonight.
I am glad…I am working at home tomorrow. I have a lot to do and I will be able to focus better here.
I am going…to head to bed once I get this published…..up a little later than I wanted tonight but I do get to sleep in a little later than normal tomorrow. One of my favorite things about working at home…rise and shine about 5 minutes before you have to log in. I can even work in PJ’s and fuzzy slippers if I wanted. Saweet.
From the kitchen…above mentioned chicken wings from Costco. Mesquite flavored chicken wings…with blue cheese dressing for dipping. They sang to me as I walked by the cooler…how could I resist? They were very good…just saying, you know…in case they happen to sing to you if you are in the store one day.
Plans for the week include…not going to the dentist for a change….working at home Tuesday….see if I can schedule upcoming maintenance on our cars so we can all still get around as necessary.
One of life’s little pleasures…is a surprise in the mail from a good friend.
From my camera…sugar and spice and everything nice…..

You are going to post a picture of the snow… yes? I haven’t seen it “in action” just saw it in the store.
Magikal Folk
Of course I will ~ maybe even video of creating it.