Outside My Window ~ 2.5.2012
Outside my window…is a chilly end to our weekend. We are currently at 31°F ~ very close to our forecast low of 30°F. Tomorrow will be a nice day….sunny and the mid 50’s ~ it looks as if that will be the norm for the week, average temps during the day, chilly nights. Rain was the word for the weekend…no storming or pouring rain, occasional showers and light rain for the most part. My youngest requested a fire this evening after running an errand with her friend…she was freezing. I didn’t venture out today….I was content to stay in to do a few things around the house.
I am thinking about…the upcoming week. I have quite a few things I would like to accomplish so I need to put together a plan.
I am glad…that I was able to knock out quite a bit of work this past week. There is still plenty to keep me busy, the pile on my desk is just not quite as intimidating as it was last week. Many would say that is job security.
From the kitchen…was a dinner of a small steak, baked potato and asparagus. I really needed a nice dinner after a weekend of junk food. It began Friday evening ~ movie night with my youngest and continued on in to the weekend. Apparently when you have movie night, junk food is a requirement because when I suggested next time we have movie night we need to have a healthy one, I was informed that wasn’t happening nor allowed. I had hoped to have a new recipe today but I didn’t get the opportunity to test it out first….maybe next week.
I am going…to wish my niece a Happy 19th Birthday…I hope you had a wonderful day Danielle.
I am hearing…an episode of Friends on television ~ and my laughter at the same….I had forgotten how funny some of these were ….the water running while my youngest takes a shower…the ticking of my many clocks.
Plans for the week include…working from home on Tuesday….and the rest of the week is wide open as far as scheduled events. I like these kind of weeks.
One of life’s little pleasures…rainy days that happen during the weekend. I know, some people may not like that but I actually don’t mind it sometimes. Rainy, cool and more importantly…you don’t have to go anywhere if you don’t want to. Sometimes I don’t like it when it rains during the week and I have to drive to/from work in it….walk to/from the car in it….but when I don’t have to go anywhere, rainy days aren’t bad.
From my camera…I was back in my room early this afternoon, looking out at the bird feeders outside and thinking how it has been awhile since I have seen the birds at the feeders. Not too long after that I looked out to see quite a few birds….including a couple of Downy Woodpeckers and a Dark Eye/Slate Colored Junco. There were others but these birds were the two I was able to photograph through the glass door. Here is a preview of what I shot….

We have both of those too! Mine also get photographed through the window although the Downy will tolerate me going outside to put food in the feeder while it is on the suet. I haven’t tried taking a picture yet but I will one day.
The Junco’s only are around when it is VERY cold. They are so pretty.
Magikal Folk
Sometimes the birds will tolerate me being outside if I go out and sit quietly for a while….except when it is chilly I’m not so comfortable doing that so through the glass has to work.
It is funny the Junco’s only come around there when it is very cold…doesn’t have to be so much here for them to visit. They are beautiful ~ I had quite a few visit me that morning.