Outside My Window ~ 2.19.2012
Outside my window…is a fairly nasty day….cold, wet, wind. Currently at 3:00 p.m. we are at 39°F with sleet and 13mph winds from the north north-east….gusts up to 22mph. Our forecast is calling for rain/snow this evening and a low of 34°F. No one seems to know if we are going to get any type of accumulation from this storm ~ everyone has a different story to tell. I suppose these types of storms are hard to forecast, but “it may or may not snow”…really, I could tell you that. I actually wouldn’t mind a storm like we had in the photograph above…the day after Christmas in 2010….snow everywhere with a pretty good guarantee there would be no work tomorrow. As it is, it doesn’t appear as if we will get even a fourth of this tonight.
I am thinking…about lighting a fire today. I have gone from a t-shirt to sweatshirt….bare feet to feet nicely encased in cozy socks….next up will be a nice fire in the fireplace to keep the front of the house warm. I don’t mind a chill in the back of the house, in fact I prefer to sleep in a cool room at night…but cozy and warm in the front of the house on a nasty day makes me happy.
From my kitchen…will be an attempt at Southern style macaroni salad today. We can buy it on occasion at The Fresh Market but they haven’t had it in stock the last few times I have been….they consider it a summer item. Well, my cravings don’t care if it is summer or winter, it wants macaroni salad. If I am successful and like the taste, I will share a recipe with you. I do believe I have found a remedy to the hum drum turkey sausage recipe….but I want to try it out again before sharing.
I am currently working on…updating and adding pages to my business Facebook page. I revamped the welcome page, changed the profile image and added two more pages for Seniors and Maternity. I am in the process of creating pages for small events/weddings and families as well as more samples to preview. I’m also working the HTML skills….adding links to those pages that will take you to the web site. Yea, I know, not a boat load of code involved here but I’m learning….even if it is a little at a time. I’m planning on adding some more digital freebies on the business page in the very near future {yes, yes…I know I have said this before but it is becoming a reality now }. Like my page and receive updates each time I add something. According to a good friend of mine, you will be able to use these in a Creative Memory program….I don’t recall the name but perhaps she will leave a comment and let you all know. {Thanks Carole! } And of course I’m thinking about the upcoming March desktop calendar…I’m narrowing down the themes that are running through my head.
I am glad…the Walking Dead is back on television. Grant you, this show may not be for everyone, but the old school horror film lover in me loves this show…the story….the characters….the suspense.
I am going…to get my spring vacation plans together. I received an official approval on my requested days off so now I need to figure out my plans.
I am hoping…that the roads are not a sheet of ice tomorrow just in case the snow doesn’t materialize and I do have to go in to work at my normal time. If they are, I will more than likely hang back until I can safely drive in later. I would rather not get mixed up with a mass of traffic on icy roads.
I am hearing…the pitter patter of sleet outside….a commercial on television that I’m ignoring….the ticking of my many clocks….a neighbor starting their car….my wind chimes singing quite loudly and quite often to me.
A recap of last week…includes a free, digital valentine texture/overlay/background page ~ basically to use as you would like….my permanent bridge installed ~ I lived to tell the tale and include a photograph of my sweet girl. One of best things to happen last week was seeing Pop’s first time sitting at the table with mom for dinner since his accident….and finally a preview of one of my new Facebook pages. One thing I did miss last week was posting this column.
Plans for the week include…working from home on Tuesday….taking my daughter’s car to the shop for repairs….hair appointment this coming Saturday….working on my new project when the time allows….details below.
One of life’s little pleasures…remembering how to do something just like it was yesterday, even though it has been way too many years since you last tried. On a whim, I picked up a ball of yarn and a crochet needle earlier this week and I began to crochet. It was as if no time had passed…the familiar rhythm…yarn over, pull through…yarn over ~ well, it was a little ragged at first but it did get better. I can’t remember the last time I crocheted anything. It makes me smile inside as I work with the yarn. I remember all those years ago when my right handed Grandma figured out a way to teach her left handed grand-daughter how to crochet…..you did it Grandma, I still remember.
From my camera…is a shot of something I’m working on ~ the stitches aren’t perfect, but that makes it unique…..

Laura Delegal
Wow, you’re so talented: a writer, photographer, knitter, texture maker … I’d imagine you’re tired. Hope you had a wonderful day and you have a good week.
Magikal Folk
Thanks for the kind words Laura!
It was a very nice day.
Hi Deb! The Creative Memories program is Storybook Creator. If you are familiar with this program, you can save the page as user content/paper and use it over and over!
I love your creations and I do love Creative Memories Storybook Creator so I think it makes a great combo. You might even be able to sell some of your stuff to them. I might be able to find out how if you are interested. They do employ people to do just what you are doing…..
Did you use your snow yet? Guess you don’t need it now, huh?
Magikal Folk
You can check into it if it isn’t too much trouble…I would appreciate that. Nope, haven’t had the chance to use my snow yet ~ but if I did I probably would have gotten about as much as we did from the skies.
“It May or May Not Snow” Really? I think that weather forecasters are pretty useless sometimes. I think the best weather report is opening up your front door!
Magikal Folk
Agreed…wish I could get a paycheck by forecasting my own though.