Outside My Window ~ 2.26.2012
Outside my window…is cold ~ C-O-L-D! Right now it is 34°F and it feels bone chilling to me. We went from summer on Friday with a high of 80° to brrrrr chilly this evening. In between, we had wind ~ lots of it Friday evening and Saturday. This week will be hanging in the mid sixties, a little above average….and cold evenings.
I am thinking…I really am liking the new camera. I’m still getting use to the feel and the weight….it is a comfortable camera to handle, ergonomically comfortable….much more so than my previous camera. I’m anxious to get the battery grip but I wanted to handle the camera alone for a bit before I added the grip ~ and that extra weight. So far I’m really, really pleased with the camera and my images. I have given you a small preview of some of them ~ practice shots for the most part. I’m very close to getting ready to go nuts with it ~ just deciding when and where that will be.
From my kitchen…is a new found love of peanut butter and honey on an English muffin. I have re-discovered this tasty yet satisfying treat. Simply heaven….wait, not quite. I think simply heaven will be making my own English muffins. I have a recipe….I’m giving it a try. I have a couple of other recipes to share with you as well….probably this week rather than wait until next Sunday.
I am glad…I was able to join my good friend for her birthday dinner this evening. It is always a good night when I can spend time with friends.
I am going…to put together marketing and sample kits. It is something that is necessary but also something I had to wait to get together. The time is right for me to do this…I think it will make a difference in how the year turns out.
I am hoping…that as well as putting together the marketing/sample kits I will be able to attend a photography seminar I have my eye on. I should know for sure by this time next week.
I am hearing…the movie Fast and Furious on television….the ticking of my many clocks….and not my wind chimes for a change. They were really singing this past weekend…the wind was so strong and I was almost to the point where I thought I may should take them down.
A recap of last week…includes a vintage page creation. You may or may not remember the mirror ~ another composite created this week ~ this one is a magikal composite. I have discovered I have a special place in my heart when it comes to composites. There will be many more to come in the future. I posted a small Friday Flashback this week and I have been practicing the back button focus on the camera. This allows me to take the focus capability off the shutter button…and it is working like a charm. By the way, kudos Canon on the placement ~ perfect location!
Plans for the week include…working from home on Tuesday….stopping by my former employer’s house for a short visit Monday evening….catching up on some paperwork so I can stop thinking about it….all. the. time!
One of life’s little pleasures…is celebrating birthdays with old friends. Happy Birthday Shelly!
From my camera…I was sick a few days last week ~ a cold kind of morphed into the flu but not so much….anyway, stuck in bed for a couple of days and boredom can set in. Needless to say, I have lots of images from that perspective. Here is one scene from the room…..I know, but remember I said, lots of practice shots recently.