Outside My Window ~ 3.4.2012
Outside my window…is setting up to be a frosty evening. Currently we are at 38°F, a low of 33°F is forecast for tonight. We have had not quite an inch of rain in the last 24 hours and the ground is quite wet. There is a chance of rain and snow in the morning…and then turning to rain later in the afternoon. That sounds nice and messy doesn’t it? We will reach about 45°F tomorrow….27°F tomorrow night….and a high of 68°F by Wednesday. Mighty peculiar weather we are having lately. We were fortunate and avoided severe weather this past weekend…although it did rain a good deal Saturday and Sunday. Until today we were enjoying mild temperatures but it appears as if winter is making itself known for a couple of days at least.
From my kitchen…was Chicken Alfredo with garlic bread for dinner this evening. I even made a large breakfast this morning….pancakes, potatoes, bacon and eggs. My oldest has a friend staying with us for the week…it was as good an excuse to make a large breakfast. I have actually been craving one for some time however I can’t rationalize making such a feast for one. Besides, I would get big as a house if I ate that way every weekend.
I am going…to attend a photographer course, The Senior Project by Salvatore Cincotta. I’m already signed up…got the early bird registration discount…ready to go. Marketing tactics is one of the things discussed during the evening course….something I can use some help with. I’m pretty excited to attend my first “in person” course…but at the same time I’m a little anxious too. I have attended quite a few online courses and enjoyed them all….I wonder if the live event will enlighten me in a different way. I’m glad they give us workbooks, you know just in case I’m so excited and can’t remember a thing when I walk out the door. I will add it to my book of notes…the same book I read over and refer to on a regular basis.
I am hoping…all my friends and family in the South are doing alright after the violent storms that moved eastward this weekend. As I mentioned above, we were fortunate and missed the very severe weather. It was quite a wild weekend weather wise.
I am hearing…a commercial on television…..the washer cleaning my younger daughters clothes…the ticking of my many clocks….myself yawning.
A recap of last week…includes the free, monthly desktop calendar….a texture/overlay freebie for my friends who work with textures and layers in post-processing….a new Facebook cover image for Magikal Folk Photography for the business timeline….and a couple of recipes.
Plans for the week include…working from home on Tuesday….keep the mojo I have going at work that has kept me fairly well caught up of late….planning what projects I would like to accomplish this week.
One of life’s little pleasures…a warm, dry home to stay in when the weather of foul outside. I appreciate it more than ever when you see so many who have lost so much.
From my camera…an image I took earlier this week ~ I love it when I can catch a sun flare just right.

Stephanie Harsh
I’ve been as a bad a commenter as I’ve been a blogger. Sigh.
I love breakfast. It’s my favorite meal of the day. Not having a kitchen means I have to sweet talk my mom into making me breakfast on Saturdays. She likes to feed her children and I like to eat her home cooking. Win win.
The weather has been crazy here, too… although definitely not as severe as other areas of the country. It was super cold (well, cold for us is, like, 60, but still) and then, today, it jumped up to nearly 100. Ugh. It’s hard to get used to. I couldn’t sleep last night for not being able to get comfortable. I can already tell my room/mansion is going to get very, very warm come Summer. Luckily the dude who lived there before me left behind a (almost) brand new air conditioning unit. Lucky me.
Have fun at the photography course! I need to do something like that. Of course, I’m usually all talk…
Magikal Folk
Once upon a time when my daughters were in elementary school and I didn’t have to be at work until 9:00, I would go running and then stop by my mom’s house and have breakfast with her a couple of times a week. Mom’s home cooked breakfast after a run….best ever!
I’m a little anxious about the photography course….I don’t generally do large crowds comfortably. Stepping outside the box for knowledge…didn’t know I could be so brave in my old age.
I love the idea of a big cooked breakfast too! It is not so appealing living here in a hot country. It reminds me of all those hungover mornings in my early 20’s where the only thing to make you feel alive was the big feed as you woke up. Only worked if someone else cooked it though!!!
Magikal Folk
You made me laugh with this comment Gina! I do remember those mornings…and someone else had to definitely do the cooking.