Outside My Window ~ 3.18.2012
Outside my window…I’m waking up to a cool 54°F morning. It is about 9:30 with cloudy skies that are suppose to clear off later this morning. Our high today is an expected 67°, cooler than the past few days when we were hitting the high 70’s, low 80’s. After checking out the weather for the coming week, it looks as if we are going to stay in the mid 50’s at night and low 70’s during the day for the next five days. I can live with that. I generally don’t change the image to this post until the actual season starts…but since spring will happen on Tuesday and using the snowy image just doesn’t feel right with the temperatures we have been having recently, I changed it today. This is a shot of the flowering pear tree in my mom’s backyard. These are blooming all over our region now….just beautiful!
I am thinking…I am never going to come off of this high I’m experiencing after my first photo critique yesterday. Yes, I’m still smiling like a fool.
From my kitchen…is not much of anything this weekend. I’m watching the Posing Masterclass again so there won’t be very much activity today.
I am glad…I decided to go for it and submit my photograph for critique yesterday. Yes, I’m going to talk about this for a few days because, well….still grinning like a fool! It was just the thing I needed to give my creativity and inspiration a boost. I have heard some people say they love having their images critiqued by master photographers…I could never understand that, it was a little frightening for me and not because I don’t believe I have talent…I know I do. I think it was because no one really enjoys hearing anything bad about something they love and this image was a really special one to me…not solely because it was my daughter…but the lighting, technique and post processing is something I want to do more of. The fact that she loved it and gave it such a positive critique was the air in my balloon. I think I understand now why some photographers love having their work critiqued…it recharges the battery.
I am going…to watch the final day of this class. Fortunately the class will be finished in enough time for me to make and eat dinner before the season finale of The Walking Dead this evening. Based on the teasers I have seen this week, it should be an amazing show. Last week blew me away…one of the best television episodes I have seen in a long time…so totally unexpected.
I am hearing…a fairly quiet house at the moment…the ticking of my clocks….a fairly quiet neighborhood as well.
A recap of last week includes…a look at my little pink camera….a free texture for download…blasting back to 1960 with a Friday flashback…and of course, my post on my first photo critique ~ wait….here comes that smile again.
Plans from the week include…working from home on Tuesday….setting up an appointment to preview baby Cameron’s photos with his family….talking non-stop about my critique to anyone I can get to listen ….hopefully confirming the tentative appointment I have for a photo shoot with a co-workers family ~ ten people ~ on Saturday morning.
Ones of life’s little pleasures…do I need to say it? Ok, I will ~ getting an awesome critique on one of your photographs!!
From my camera…a close up shot of the flowering pear tree….
…and a shot of my new little office assistant. Because of the fabulous folks at the campus computer store, payroll deduction and an interest free one year loan for faculty/staff/students, I was able to pick up this Ipad2. Not the brand new one, but thanks to that release I got to benefit from a drop in price.

So, Deb. How did the course go? Just curious… ;0)
Magikal Folk
We are on a break right now….there is still about an hour and a half left but it has been very, very educational. The instructor was fabulous…it has been a wonderful course. I have yet to be disappointed in a creativeLIVE course.