…but not mentally. Well, maybe I could be that too…but in this instance I’m talking about my quest to become a Certified Professional Photographer. I will be required to pass a comprehensive written exam that will measure my technical expertise. I will also have to submit my work to a panel of judges for review and approval ~ gulp!
I have taken the first step to obtaining the certification by obtaining the suggested textbook I need to study for the written exam. They don’t just ask about apertures and shutter speeds….you need to know much more than that. I was fortunate to find a used copy online at an excellent price because this textbook is quite pricey when you buy it new. The textbook was in much better condition than I anticipated based on their description so I am thrilled with it. It is quite large…heavy….with 398 pages of information. My brain is full just thinking about it.

Laura Delegal
So happy for you. I know you’ll do well.
Magikal Folk
Thanks Laura ~ been a lot of years since I have studied for an exam…a bit nervous about it.
this is really cool! I love challenging myself like this, and it is only going to make you an even better photographer! I can’t wait to hear how it goes!
Magikal Folk
I’m excited about the prospect Brittany! Thanks for the support.