Outside My Window ~ 4.29.12
Outside my window…is another Sunday night wrapping up. We had a nice and fairly gloomy weekend in Hampton Roads this past weekend. Our next to nothing chance of rain turned in to quite a downpour of some time on Saturday and while Sunday brought little rain, it did bring the gray clouds for the day. Our temperatures were in the low 60’s with a little wind on Saturday. It made me grateful that I did a little work in my flower beds Thursday and Friday evenings….would have been a bit damp to do so this weekend. We went from unbelievably high temperatures to unseasonably cool temperatures in the span of the month. A very peculiar spring indeed.
I am thinking about…the photo session with a sweet but a teething baby girl yesterday. As I said above, our weekend with very little chance of rain provided way too much to get outside with her. We took a few inside photographs and decided to go outside and use a very large covered porch with some amazing furniture that was at their disposal. We were just getting set up when she decided she had enough and was not going to change her mind. There were tears and mom did her best to comfort and calm her….she just was too tired and not going to be denied so we had to call it an early day. I know they were disappointed because while I did get some good shots, I was not able to get the outside or family photographs. We were able to make arrangements for me to come again next Saturday. I’m really looking forward to the outside shots….such a beautiful location with so many possibilities.
I am glad…I decided to take the online photography workshop with Jasmine Star this weekend. This workshop covered how to photograph and submit an editorial wedding to wedding blogs or wedding magazines for publishing. While my current goals aren’t necessarily getting published right at this moment, it was incredibly interesting to see the process and learn the requirements. It was also beneficial because a lot of what was covered can be applied to other areas as well. If you had told me a couple of years ago I would be signing up for so many photography workshops I would have laughed at you….I’m so not a person to take a class. The courses/workshops I have taken in the past year have been amazing.
I am going…to be working on a new Facebook page I am creating specifically for seniors ~ another tip I garnered from Sal Cincotti’s workshop earlier this month. And of course Facebook keeps tinkering with the way things are laid out (specifically the profile image was increased) so I had to redo my cover image for Magikal Folk Photography’s page. The increased profile image was covering up a large part of an image that was near it. I have been working on the pages this evening…can be time consuming.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….Raider’s of the Lost Ark on television {one of my favorites from the series…snakes, why did it have to be snakes }…my youngest daughter taking a shower.
A recap of last week…saw me following through with my decision to let a few things go to keep me from getting stressed out over the things I need to do….there was no post on Friday and Saturday. While I’m disappointed I broke the streak and had a little uncontrollable twitching Friday as the clock struck midnight, I really needed to do this for my sanity. I was struggling with it this time and I think that now what I post will be better than just putting something, anything on there. I was also found professing my love for Kevin Kubota and his editing actions….and the huge jasmine bush that is growing right beside my front door, taken at sunset one evening.
Plans for the week include…my continuing saga of slowly but surely cleaning up the files ~ I have also decided this isn’t a do or die project either. It is a project that needs to be done, but if it takes a while, then so be it. I will be working from home on Tuesday…..and going to the rescheduled dental appointment that got changed from the 19th….another go at the 4 month old baby photo shoot on Saturday.
One of life’s little pleasures…realizing it is ok to say enough and take care of yourself. I have often found that I will forgive others without a second thought…but I’m awful hard on myself.
From my camera…I thought it was interesting that this time last year we were also experiencing some rainy weather. This is an image I took on the 28th of April showing the end of the storm front as it moved out of our area.