Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 8.19.2012

Outside my window…is the close on another weekend.  We are over half way through August and closing in on Labor Day….soon it will be Fall and before we know it, winter and the end of the year.  I know I have said it before but I can’t recall having this feeling that the year has just zoomed by.  Today was a rainy day….the morning started out nice enough with the temperature around 73°F when I went out for my morning run/walk at 8:30.  It was sunny to begin with and the clouds began to move over near the end of the walk.  Not too long after the rain began and continued for most of the day with deep rumbles of thunder here and there.  The deep rumbles aren’t quite as disturbing as the apocalyptic thunder we have been having recently.  We are expecting decent weather temperature wise this week….highs in the very low 80’s and a chance of scattered thunderstorms during the afternoon.

I am thinking…that this will be a short post this evening.  I planned on posting earlier today but while looking for a recipe on the external hard drives I was distracted when I remembered I still needed to work on cleaning them up…..so I worked on them for most of the afternoon.  I was able to get a little accomplished and decided that this is something I need to set a little time aside and work on when I can.  It isn’t going to happen in a few short days….kind of like weight I suppose, if it takes you a while to put it on, it is going to take a while to get it off.  I know I had been collecting a lot of those files for quite some time, it will take a while to go through them all and determine what I need and what I don’t.

I am glad…we had rain today.  I was thinking earlier this week how much I like it when I’m home, the temperatures are cooler and there is a nice rain shower.  Wish granted.  😀

I am hearing…the radio in the bathroom while my youngest is taking a shower ~ music is a requirement for showers with my girls…..very loud sometimes….the movie “Knowing” on television….the ticking of my many clocks….the ice maker in the freezer dropping ice into the bucket ~ have I mentioned how much I love this thing!

Plans for the week include…working from home on Thursday this week rather than Tuesday ~ an eye doctor appointment made about a year ago required the change this week….building up the distance I am running each day.

From my camera…roses are red….  🙂

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