Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 1.27.2013

outside my window winter 2012

Outside my window…we are currently at 30°F at 10:00 this evening.  The skies were mostly clear when Turbo and I took our walk around 7:30 but there were some light clouds.  The forecast calls for temperatures to hover in the low 30’s with increasing clouds.  We have been cold since last week and even got roughly 4 inches of snow this past Friday.  While most of it has melted, there are still some areas that have quite a bit of snow on the ground….and there is some icy patches here and there.  I expect it will all be gone tomorrow if we reach the forecast high of 49°F and the 30% chance of rain comes to pass.  Our expected high for Tuesday is forecast at 63°F…but Wednesday is the real wows-er at 71°F and even a chance for severe thunderstorms.  Thursday will be in the 50’s with wind and Friday, a 30% chance for snow and a high of 38°F is forecast.  Roller coaster weather….welcome to Southeast Virginia.  🙂

I am thinking…I will not be able to finish out that section of my garden any time soon as I had hoped.  I’m grateful I got a small part of it complete…the rest is going to have to wait until the ground isn’t quite so saturated.  It literally squishes when you walk right now.

I am glad…for the four individuals that assisted me on Friday afternoon when my car got stuck on an incline.  I was driving through the Colonial Williamsburg area on my way home from work when the car in front of me stopped at the top of the incline, forcing me to stop about mid-way up.  The roads were very, very slippery as the snow that had fallen earlier had compacted and turned to extremely slick ice.  My car was not going anywhere…the tires just spun.  Of course the car in front of me went on his merry way…why he stopped, I will never know but let’s just say he was lucky I couldn’t get my hands on him.  I tried desperately to get some traction but it just wasn’t happening.  A young girl was walking by and assured me that we could get me going….about that time a young man also came up to us.  After we let a string of cars behind me pass, we proceeded to try to get me up that incline.  We weren’t having much success until two more people showed up.  After a few minutes I felt the tires grab and I was moving forward.  I was so very, very grateful to these four people who went out of their way to help me….and I really wanted to tell them but all I could do was wave and honk because I know if I stopped and got out to thank them, I probably would have gotten stuck again.  I hope they knew how much they helped me.  Since I couldn’t thank them personally, I will pay it forward someday, somehow.

From my kitchen…will be a few new recipes to try this week.  If I like the results, I will share them with you here next week.

I am hoping…that if it does snow next Friday I don’t have the travel woes like I did this past Friday.  After I got on my way, it took me two hours to get home….a trip that normally takes me no more than 30 minutes.  White knuckling it for two hours behind the wheel is exhausting!

I am hearing…my daughter heating something up in the microwave….the ticking of my many clocks….”Interview with a Vampire” on television.

A recap of last week…includes instructions on how to make your own homemade butter….the Moon-Jupiter Conjunction photographs I took on Tuesday night….Wordless Wednesday….a photograph of my buddy standing guard at his front door….practicing my night photography with an image of the snow on Friday….and finally a composite I worked on yesterday.

Plans for the week include…working from home on Tuesday….finish up editing some photographs I have taken in the past two weeks….working on some more composites.  I have several ideas that I want to get started on.  I have been collecting some stock images, now I just need to put them together and see what I can come up with on my own.

One of life’s little pleasures…watching Turbo run, jump and play in the snow.  I can’t help but think how he would react if we got one of those storms that dumped 10 to 12 inches…there would have to be movies of that.  🙂

From my camera…the sun through my snow laden holly bush….


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