Outside My Window ~ 2.24.2013
Outside my window…is yet another cloudy day. It does appear as if that bright object in the sky that some refer to as the “sun” is trying to make an appearance…it looks a bit brighter outside than earlier this morning. When the dog and I went for our walk around 7:15, it was full cloud cover with some dark ones on the horizon…misty rain…and a bit cool. The pavement is still wet but looks as if the mist has stopped for the time being. Yesterday was rain….I know, shocking ~ we had rain! We will get a couple of days off and then more rain is forecast for Tuesday. I seriously don’t think the ground can hold any more moisture….the water table must be filled to the top. There is standing water all around and the ground squishes when you walk ~ even when a small dog like Turbo walks across it. I was able to weed one part of my garden about a month ago {maybe more} but the rest of it is so muddy I don’t dare walk in it now. Not only will half the soil come up on the roots of the weeds, but I would be a muddy mess in no time. Not my idea of a good time. On the plus side, the grass is green all over and daffodils will be blooming any day now. As I was typing this paragraph, I just looked outside and saw sunshine ~ first time since Thursday. I don’t know if it will manage to break through this heavy cloud cover, but it was nice to see it even for just a few. At 10:30 this Sunday morning, we are at 48°F but feels like 43°F. Humidity is 80%…a bit high…winds are from the Northwest at around 12mph. Our forecast today calls for decreasing clouds and a high of 58°F. The coming week will see temps in the mid to upper 50’s and as I mentioned, a 70% chance for rain and thunder on Tuesday.
Did you know…that I’m going to add this little tidbit to the weekly post? I thought I would include some little factoids you may or may not be aware of. So for the very first did you know ~ we will be “springing forward” into daylight savings time on March 10th. Groan…I don’t mind the “falling back” so much but “springing forward” always seems to take forever to get used to….and the fact that a few years ago they decided to do it much earlier than all those years prior ~ I see some difficult times getting out of bed in my future. Also, did you know that we will be welcoming spring in less than a month ~ March 20th. I am actually looking forward to spring….big plans for the backyard, growing things out there and in my flower garden.
I am thinking…that I’m going to get my butt in gear and do some serious desk cleaning after I finish this post….even though I’m not feeling in the mood. For some reason I feel like I was hit by a truck while I slept last night….not sure why. Could be the weather….I’m so hoping it is not a precursor to anything else. I heard the flu and that ugly norovirus is on the decline and I would be very happy if both of those lovelies passed me over this year. From what I have heard from others that have been sick with one or the other, this is not something I want to experience thankyouverymuch.
I am glad…that I can now look out my window and see blue skies and sunshine. Saaweeet!
From my kitchen…was bar-b-que last night…chicken chow mien tonight….and on the shelf is a jar of vanilla beans infusing in some brandy for homemade vanilla extract. Good stuff ~ give it a try.
I am hoping…this achiness I’m feeling is just my old bones feeling their age and not the beginning to something.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….my wind chimes softly singing a song….Supernatural on television….the dog snoring on the couch.
A recap of last week…isn’t much. I have gone from every day to barely anything….feast or famine I suppose. The only thing I posted last week was the homemade vanilla extract instructions yesterday. I wasn’t on the computer all that much last week…and now that I think about it, I was tired all week ~ couldn’t seem to get enough sleep….now the achiness today, I could be fighting off a bug. I hope I win.
Plans for the week include…working from home on Tuesday….working on the composite ideas I have started but haven’t finished….not too much else planned.
One of life’s little pleasures…seeing sunshine after to many rainy days.
From my camera…a peak at Turbo ~ who looks just as rough as the rest of us when you wake him up…but lucky for him he can go right back to sleep.