Outside My Window ~ 3.17.2013
Outside my window…is a fairly damp and chilly night. Currently at 8:30 this evening the temperature is hovering at around 40°F, but feels like 34°F. It is damp, wet and still feels very much like winter outside right now. I had taken some of the plants out for what I thought would be for a long while but instead I was dragging them back inside this evening. Just wishful thinking on my part I suppose. These temps are too cold for a few of them. We will have a few more of these chilly evening in the week ahead…. and of course, more rain. Sigh.
Did you know…that it will officially roll over to spring on Wednesday, March 20th? Our forecast for that day is 57°F with partly cloudy skies and a low of 37°F. How about your corner of the world?
I am glad…that the stomach bug/flu/virus/whatever I had this past week is a thing of the past. So very happy! Highlight of the week was when I was told that these kind of things tend to last a little longer in older people like me. And I thought I was brutally honest…..
I am hoping…that this bitter cold weather will take its leave of us sooner rather than later. I’m very tired of the cold…ready for another season.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….the dog snoring on the couch….the ending minutes of last weeks The Walking Dead episode as I wait for the new one to begin in a few minutes.
A recap of last week…is not too much, I was away from the computer a good deal of the time but there were calendars up on the blog….you can get your copies here.
Plans for the week include…playing catch up on all the work I missed while I was out sick last week….continue the culling of items that I would like to get rid of in the house….try a couple of new recipes….pick up the camera a lot more than I did last week ~ especially since there is so much more blooming now!
One of life’s little pleasures…feeling good after a not so good week!
From my camera…as I said, I didn’t pick up the camera much last week so I’m going to grab some from the archives. I hope to get more like these this coming week….enjoy your week!

Thanks again for the pictures yesterday, you do pretty good with that phone, so don’t feel bad about neglecting your camera,
If you find yourself ‘culling’ too much .. have a yard sale
.. If that doesn’t go well you can always donate to the poor and needy .. most of us qualify .. we can donate to each other
Take care and thanks again , I got lots of comments from some I haven’t heard from in months.
Magikal Folk
No problem Sonny ~ glad I could help!