Outside My Window ~ 4.1.2013
Outside my window…is the closing hours of a beautiful day on this the first day of April, 2013. Our high today was 73°F…partly cloudy but I can deal with that when the temperature is so warm. Unfortunately I was inside for a better part of the day at work but I was able to enjoy the nice weather while walking the dog this morning and this evening. This past weekend was half and half….Saturday was beautiful ~ not as warm as today, but very nice still the same….Sunday was cloudy and rainy. This was typical spring weather…not the cold that is coming back Tuesday and Wednesday evening. Daytime temps won’t be so bad…in the upper 50’s….but the evening temps will be in the mid 30’s. That means I will be sporting a coat during my walks and dragging the plants back into the house for a few more nights. I knew I would not be able to leave them out when I took them outside on Saturday but I am looking forward to when I won’t have to worry about the cold. I’m officially over winter…..I’m looking forward to complaining about the pollen and the heat.
Did you know…that I only did three posts on the blog last month? I know, not what inquiring minds really want to know but it kind of surprised me. I actually decided to unplug for a bit….not totally unplugged but it was more of if I wanted to get online I did and I didn’t give in to the feeling that I was obligated to get online lest I miss something. It was some much needed time away. I think technology is a wonderful thing….the ability to communicate with so many different people at one time in a matter of minutes is fabulous. For the most part, we are all wired to one another either via computers, tablets or smart phones. But it can also be a bad thing….the constant stimulation….chatter….quiet time is almost non-existent and I need some quiet time. I used this time to pick up the camera more, to take longer walks, to evaluate what direction I want to take my business. I also began my spring cleaning and even had the chance between rain storms to tackle some outdoor clean up. Still quite a bit to go on both the inside and the outside, but I am satisfied I was able to get a start on both. I hope to get back on track with more consistent posts. Be on the lookout for the new desktop calendars tomorrow.
I am glad…the weather is warming up, even considering this cold patch we are going to go through in the next couple of days. We are still getting plenty of rain and the ground is still soggy but the end result is it will be quite lush and beautiful when the temperatures do become steady.
From my kitchen…is a few new recipes that I will put together to share with you in the coming weeks.
I am hoping…to post another photo manipulation in the next few days. I have several things working, just trying to decide which one I want to take forward.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….Criminal Minds on television…me yawning.
Plans for the week include…working from home tomorrow….putting together a new portrait line but I’m pretty sure this is going to take more than a week to accomplish.
One of life’s little pleasures…watching another season some to pass.
From my camera…taken at City Center in Newport News yesterday morning….

Its good to hear that you have had some down time recently Debbie. I agree that we can sometimes be overly connected to the beeps and pings and notifications that come from our technology. A wonderful but also distracting and overwhelming feature of modern life. A break every now and then let’s us catch our breath and find a balance. I hope the coming weeks bring this to you. G
Magikal Folk
Thanks Gina…I hope to catch up with everyone and get back into the swing of things soon.