Outside My Window ~ 5.19.2013
Outside my window…is a rather dreary Sunday afternoon. There is full cloud cover with the sun making a feeble attempt to show itself. I say feeble because I believe it could come out and shine if it really wanted to. I’m not sure what location The Weather Channel dude is reporting from but they are saying mostly sunny and 78°F…not so. Cloudy and 78°F is more like it. We have a chance of thunderstorms after 6:00 this evening, it is definitely humid enough to conjure up a storm when you mix in a little afternoon heat. We have had a weekend of storms and rain that began with a rather powerful thunderstorm at around 3:00 Saturday morning. We did see a little blue sky yesterday but it was quickly taken over by more storm clouds. I think I will keep an eye on the sky and radar to track the upcoming ones ~ I don’t want to be out walking Turbo when the next one hits like I was yesterday evening. I heard thunder, felt a drop of rain or two and we turned around to head home. Of course with storms like this it starts slow and builds up to an eventual downpour….which it did this time. Although we weren’t that far from home and it wasn’t a full on down pour, Turbo and I were soaked all the same by the time we reached the house. I was drenched but I was laughing all the way…it felt wonderful.
I am thinking…I am not going outside if the 17 year cicada invasion is anything like I have seen for a program they are advertising on television. The thought of billions of bugs coming out of the ground is like my worst nightmare let alone crawling all over me or surrounding me as they fly around. My skin creeps just thinking of it. I know some areas are already experiencing the invasion but it is suppose to peak at the end of this month. I don’t remember how bad they were 17 years ago, but I’m hoping that is because they prefer inland locations rather than coastal and they weren’t so bad here.
I am glad…I kept the strawberries that were a little to ripe for my taste and turned them into strawberry preserves. I was almost ready to toss them Thursday night when something told me “not yet”. I put them back into the refrigerator and Friday while sitting at work it dawned on me, make strawberry preserves! I cut them up and covered them with sugar yesterday, let them sit and cooked them today. It didn’t quite make a pint but what did make was quite tasty! I’m definitely going to try and get some more this year so I can have a few jars during the fall and winter when the berries are just a memory. I might try my hand at something new as well. I finally understand how my grandmother felt when she would finish canning something….there is something very satisfying about canning and storing your own food. I only wish I had a larger space to store them.
From my kitchen…is the above mentioned strawberry preserves and a home made brownie recipe I wanted to share with you. These are tasty, easy to make and I’m thinking for less than you pay for a boxed mix. Click the image to open a copy of the recipe in Adobe Reader.
I am hoping…that I can get my flower seeds planted soon. I still have plenty of time but the sooner I get them in the ground the sooner I can enjoy the benefits.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….the hum of the refrigerator….Turbo’s tail hitting something as it wags back and forth ~ his way of getting my attention to take him outside….the cancelled Firefly television series. Pity it was cancelled, I like it but only discovered it long after it was cancelled.
Plans for the week include…hopefully getting my flower seeds planted this week….would like to pick up a couple of tomato plants but may wait a little longer on that….finishing up a composite inspired by the movie Silent Hill, a 2006 horror movie….working from home on Tuesday and getting off a half day early on Friday because of employee appreciation day.
One of life’s little pleasures…walking in the rain.
From my camera…a recent afternoon with my oldest daughter and Turbo at my mother’s house….he loves to run in her extra large yard….and chase sticks….