Outside My Window ~ 10.6.2013
Outside my window…is the dawn of a new day. One of the things you have to “love” about being a dog owner is he doesn’t know the difference between a Sunday morning or a Monday morning…rise and shine at our normal 5:30 a.m. time for his morning walk. Even though I managed to put him off for a half an hour it was still dark was we walked. I see a nap in my future for today. Right now we are at 65°F with the sun just now making itself known. Our forecast high for today is 88°F….I want this Indian Summer weather to go away….NOW. I know people in South Dakota are probably cursing me now…48 freaking inches of snow in Deadwood!! Wow. It was really warm all week and frankly I’m tired of the heat….I want cool, crisp fall weather. It appears as if I will get my wish with a cold front that will move through the area sometime Monday, about the same time as the rain arrives from the south. Monday has a forecast high of 84°F with a 50% chance of rain but then Tuesday we drop down to 71°F and then for the rest of the week we are in the 60’s. I hope the rain does materialize on Monday….we have been a bit dry lately and could use some moisture.
I am thinking…about how it has been almost a month since I last did one of these….about how happy I am that next week will be the premier of season 4 The Walking Dead and all this coming week will be The Walking Dead Zombie Apocalypse Week on AMC ~ episode 1 to the final episode of season 3 ~ picture me a happy gal….about how I’m looking forward to colder weather so I can enjoy some of my cold weather comfort foods.
From my kitchen…has been intermittent cooking this past month. What I really need to do is sit down and put some recipes to paper so I can share them here.
I am glad…the massive pile of work on my desk has come down and isn’t quite as over whelming as it once was. I worked hard this past week and finally got it down to a more manageable pile.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….the dog snoring on the couch….and otherwise quiet house.
Plans for the week include…working from home on Tuesday….getting a biometric health screening at work on Wednesday so I can continue to get a discount on my health insurance premium….working on my Halloween photo composite.
One of life’s little pleasures…bacon, egg and cheese on fresh buttermilk biscuits on a Sunday morning. Yum!
iPhoneography…a few of the images from my iPhone recently….
From my camera….the Friday before last I drove home via the Colonial Parkway past the Victory Monument….

did you know the parkway is closed because of thegov shutdown? I heard it on the traffic report onemorning. I don’t usually hear traffic reports because I try to stay off the road during the times they give them. Oneof the luxuries’ of disability I guess. Anyway , what a pain to have to find another routeif you use itto commute. And why closeit? No park rangers to hand out tickets? I guess the wordwouldget out and anarchy would reign. Soon out of control road rageand ‘the driving dead’ apocalypse … if you please. I hear so much about that show. The zombiecraze seems to be outof control … maybe I will have to catch season 1 and see what the appeal is. What is it for you? Special effects? Inter-?personal? relationships? Or the age old story of ?life? metaphor?
Magikal Folk
Not all of the Parkway is closed because of the shutdown Sonny. I know where I get on and off on 199 right before South Henry Street it is blocked on the way to Jamestown. I can’t speak for anything past Newport Avenue towards Yorktown but I have seen cars come from that way in the morning so there must be a section of it opened up that way as well. Along my route they do have all the turn off areas blocked.
Waling Dead and what is it for me….hard to say. I have watched it from the beginning and am hooked on the people and their lives and story of survival. You have your favorites and your not so favorite people but in the end it is about how they have changed for either the good or the bad…how they handle life as it is now. The way the story has progressed has kept my interest too. It also has a “high tension” feel about it…reminds me of the old horror movies I use to watch back in the day.