Outside My Window ~ 10.13.2013
Outside my window…is yet another cloudy and rainy day. The rainfall pattern goes from drizzle to pouring rain to light rain to drizzle….rinse and repeat….for the 7th straight day. We did need the moisture but this has been a bit of over kill in that department. I read on Friday that we had received 4 to 6 inches of rainfall in our area…I would add about another inch and a half to that for Friday night, all day Saturday and this morning. I don’t know which end of the spectrum we are on but I will say that I had pulled the level down in my water barrels to about half before this storm and they are now running over. I also had an empty 5 gallon painters bucket in my backyard that is almost full of water. Fortunately we only had to deal with the heavy winds for a couple of days…the remainder of the time it has been either light winds or non-existent. Our temperature at 10:00 this morning is currently at 70°F with a forecast high of 74°F and light rain. Extended forecast calls for light rain tomorrow morning and partly cloudy skies through next Sunday….if you are to believe the Weather Channel. I have found myself relying more and more on the forecast of a Richmond meteorologist that has been spot on since I have started following him. His preliminary forecast calls for partly cloudy skies until Friday when we will again see another system move in for the weekend.
I am thinking…I need to get to work on making my curtains for the rest of the house. I have decided to opt out of blinds. I came to this realization after the blinds in my kitchen broke and instead of replacing them right away I decided to put up curtains. I fell in love with them again….so simple and beautiful. Blinds work perfectly well but are huge dust magnets unless you clean them all the time….curtains can be washed. Of course I may have to run an iron over them but that beats wiping down each and every blade of a set of blinds. Another plus for curtains, you have many more decorative selections to choose from. I’m going to put up curtains in the front of the house and for the sliding glass doors in my bedroom in the back. To make the kitchen curtains I used a tablecloth and backed it with some muslin….nothing fancy but I love them.
I am glad…that it is finally here ~ October 13th ~ The Walking Dead season 4 premiers tonight! At long last…we have waited six months for this….six long months. I have been watching the marathon this past week and weekend as a refresher. FYI ~ if you call me tonight after 9:00, I won’t answer.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….an episode of season 3 of The Walking Dead on television….an otherwise quiet house.
Plans for the week include…working from home on Tuesday….a day off for myself on Friday and taking the car in to be serviced that morning….working on my Halloween composite….digging back in to adapting the website so you can order directly order from there. I had to walk away from it for a bit….I was getting frustrated which was causing me to become impatient which was causing me to make errors which was adding to the frustration so I said enough. I can go back now with a clear head and a better idea of how to accomplish the task.
One of life’s little pleasures…is playing with Turbo and his squeaky bone. If you have seen him play with this toy I don’t need to say any more. If you haven’t, I’m not sure if I can put in to words his obsession with this toy. Each and every time we play he makes me laugh, really hard. He is relentless in his pursuit of this toy when you have it….and in his quest to obtain it, he will make you laugh.
iPhoneography…a few images from my iPhone this past week….clockwise from left ~ hot wings for dinner last Sunday….a morning that looks more like night last Wednesday at sunrise, the sun is usually blinding me at this light but not today, it was eerie and dark because of the storm….chicken spring rolls for lunch today….my nearly full 5 gallon painters bucket…..
From my camera….FALL!