Outside My Window ~ 11.10.2013
Outside my window…is a chilly but beautiful morning. When I took Turbo out for his walk it was 45°F with plenty of sunshine and clear, blue skies. We were actually a little warmer than yesterday when we experienced what I would say was our first hard frost. The temperature when I went out for a walk at 6:30 am was 35°F. The cars, rooftops and grass were covered in frost. The mornings have been chilly while the days have been generally mild with temperatures ranging from the low 50’s to mid 60’s. We did have a few days since I last posted in the low to mid 70’s which were not too bad….70 degree temperatures in the fall and winter are not quite as warm as the spring and summer when the sun is higher. I love the lower sun angle during this time of year….it creates such a beautiful light. We have had some incredibly colorful sunsets as well but with the time change I’m pushing it to even see a glimpse of them much less take a photograph. I seriously do not like flipping back and forth on time changes….pick one and let’s stay there!
I am thinking…I need to gather up myself and quit being so scattered brained lately. I have a gazillion things rolling around in my head and the noise is deafening. I’m finding it is easier to veg out in front of the television with the dog than it is to deal with what I need to do…whether it is cleaning out a closet or organizing some files on my computer. I’m over whelmed with projects I want to do but I’m not starting any. I need to clear my thoughts so I can sit down and finally get the blasted sell feature working on my website. I’m tired of the blinds in the house and each and every time I have to raise them in the morning I’m cursing myself for not sitting down and doing what I need to do to get the curtains up. I think I’m going to put myself on restriction until I get out of this mess I have created for myself.
I am glad…Part 1…that I decided to check out the television series American Horror Story: Coven. This is yet another program that is not for the faint of heart…most definitely! I’m really enjoying Jessica Lange’s portrayal of Fiona. Part 2…that the only thing I needed to do for my laptop was replace the power cord. I had some issues with it coming on recently and had to unplug, drop the battery out, replace battery, plug back in and it would start. Then I noticed sometimes it was running solely on battery. I ran a check up on the laptop and the battery was reported to be in good shape. Late last week even my drop/replace/unplug dance wasn’t working so I took a chance and hoped that by ordering a new power cord the problem would be solved. It seems to work fine now….the cords for this laptop have surge protectors built-in to them ~ I’m thinking I must have had a surge that burned it out enough that it wouldn’t operate properly.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….the hum of my computer fan….the dog barking at something while he is outside in his backyard….my wind chimes singing to me since the wind seems to have picked up since our walk this morning….an otherwise quiet house.
Plans for the week include…working from home on Tuesday….laying the ground work for a few more composites I have in my head ~ of course sometimes when I begin to lay the ground work I don’t get up from the computer until it is done. For those of you that don’t visit often, a reminder that the free November desktop calendars are available. They were a little later than normal due to some computer issues I was having.
One of life’s little pleasures…doing something you truly enjoy. I have created two new composites in the past three weeks…one for Samhain 2013 and one I finished yesterday, ….and she danced…. I really enjoy taking many photos and creating one with it….this is something I hope to incorporate in my photography. Of course this would limit the number of commissions I can take but this is what it has always been evolving to….I know this now.
iPhoneography…a few photos from the iPhone….sunrise one morning before work…from left ~ the view from my front porch….waiting for the light to change….the sun in my rearview mirror….on the way to work ~ notice the sun dog?
….and the second one….an early morning walk with my buddy Turbo….frosty red leaves….scene from a beautiful morning…the trees I see when leaving my house.
From my camera…a few images I have taken with my point and shoot and my larger camera….colorful carpets for me and Turbo….my front porch….a frosty leaf….and mums I bought last year ~ not the best photograph but I can’t get over how much they changed colors….last year they were orange and not so much red. Have a good one folks!

I *love* AHS: Coven, and as always, your pictures are beautiful!
Magikal Folk
Me too!! Next to TWD it is my favorite show ever…and I don’t give those honors out freely!