Outside My Window ~ 3.08.2015
Credits for the Outside My Window composite can be found here.
Outside my window…is an amazing day! It is a far cry from last Sunday when it was cold, wet and still far too much snow was on the ground. At 1:00 we are sitting at 64° with sunshine and blue skies. Fabulous! There is snow here and there ~ mostly piles of snow that hasn’t melted ~ and I was a little surprised to see there are still some patches of ice in shady areas, although I bet they are gone now. Sunshine and warmer weather, oh how I have missed you. I’m definitely looking forward to spring.
I’m thinking…I need to get my plans organized for my spring chores…unfortunately there is quite a bit to do around the house this year. The biggest chore will be painting the wood trim….so not looking forward to that.
I’m glad…I have had the opportunity to work at home most of the time during our recent snow storms and the subsequent ice that follows. But as much as I dislike getting up early and going to work each day, I have discovered I am a creature of habits and schedules. Everything is off kilter and it upsets the balance or my internal feng shui – everything feels off. I hate to say it but it will be nice when things are not so up in the air because of the weather….I like balance and if I have to become a creature of habit to achieve it, so be it.
I’m hoping…these ridiculous sinus headaches I have been dealing with are history very soon. With each new storm front came a new headache. This year has been one of the worst I have had in a very long time. I’m quite over them.
From my kitchen…not too much of anything new recently. I did try a couple of new recipes recently but was not impressed enough to deem them worthy of a share. There are a few more I would like to try so we will see how they come out….would like to find something really tasty to add to my regular meals.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….my wind chimes softly singing to me….birds singing….an otherwise quiet house.
A recap since my last visit…include the new free desktop calendars for March and a new composite I created during one of my snow days….Survivor.
Credits for the Survivor composite can be found here.
From my camera…are a few shots from the snow days. Last Sunday I had Outside My Window all ready to post….except when I read it over I realized I was over the snow, the cold and the ice all I did through out was complain about it, so I scrapped it. Today it is warm, there is sunshine and I’m feeling in a much better mood so I thought I would share the photographs I had planned to post last week.