Outside My Window ~ 7.03.2016
Outside my window….is a cool 70°F with heavy cloud cover afternoon. Lots of humidity too ~ 87%. It poured rain this morning….all morning. The flood canal in back was well over the banks and the side yard was deep with standing water. The grounds are saturated now. I like how everything is so clean….so lush and green…after a rain. It isn’t raining now – hasn’t been for a couple of hours. It is about 2:50 Sunday afternoon and the skies look like they may not be finished with the rain. There is a 40% chance of rain in my area for the rest of the night. Unless there is considerable clearing fairly soon, I doubt there will be any firework displays this evening. I suppose there is always a chance it will. Monday and Tuesday currently have thunderstorms in the forecast. The temps look to be pretty warm ~ sigh ~ I suppose it has finally arrived…..The Heat. The Humidity. I need to enjoy the cooler days more when I get them.
I am thinking….how I forgot to do the calendars at the beginning of this month. I can remember while at work thinking about them on the first of this month. I told myself not to forget to do them when I got home that evening. Clearly you can tell I don’t listen to myself because, what – no calendars. I will work on a few this evening.
I am glad….that it rained although I would have preferred not so much at one time. I am not glad of a new leak by my front window. It was nothing serious really. I think it may be the gutters need cleaning. I will have to see if that is the problem once I know I can put a ladder out without sinking a few feet into the saturated ground,. I am not glad for the new leak, I am glad I was home when it happened.
I am going….TO BE A GRANDMA! Yes, I can finally tell all that my youngest is having a baby, due in December. I’m quite excited and have been bursting at the seams for quite some time to say something. But it wasn’t my news to break so I had to wait. She finally broke the news late this past week. I was finally able to shout it out on Facebook and now include it on my page. There will be updates along the way I’m sure.
From the kitchen….is a concentrated effort to get a few recipes tested and posted here. I have found a few this past week that looked really interesting.
I am hearing….the ticking of my many clocks….The Walking Dead season 1 marathon on television….an otherwise quiet house…wait ~ was that thunder??
Plans for the week include….day off tomorrow that may result in a couple of finished sewing projects and the beginning steps of chalk painting a dresser…working from home on Tuesday…hopefully waxing the finished chalk painted dresser…testing a couple of these recipes this week.
One of life’s little pleasures….sleeping in when it is pouring rain outside!
From my camera….not from mine but one of the best photos ever! My grand………..