Life In General


Isn’t this photograph beautiful? It is a gift from my friend Tracey at These Nine Acres.  Unfortunately, my photo doesn’t really do justice to her actual photograph, but it gives you a general idea.  I loved it when I saw it….I am a sucker for the forest and paths.  I have this photo near my work space…close by so I can gaze at it and wonder where the path leads…what adventures await at the end….does it go on and on?  That is the beauty of this image….it can take you anywhere you allow your mind to go.

I have found myself questioning some of the paths I have taken in my life at times.  What if I had not walked down this one or that one….how different would things be?  At the time, it seemed like the right thing to do…in reality the choices weren’t always the best ones but the life lessons I learned by walking them was necessary.  I am a firm believer in all things happen for a reason….and my choices helped lead me to my daughters ~ I can’t imagine my life without them, I have no regrets. 

Fourteen years ago today, I came to a fork in the path I was on….and a decision was made.  It wasn’t an easy choice because I knew it would be the hardest path I had yet to take in my life.  It was the path that ultimately led to the separation of my family.  I made a decision that would affect me and my daughters.  The path I had been walking on had come to an end ~ there were no more corners to turn, no more variations to take ~ believe me, I looked hard….I tried hard.  The one I had to choose wasn’t a smooth, flat path… was hard and uneven, full of bends and turns that left me wondering what would be around the corner…..and at times left me questioning myself once again.   Do I have any regrets over choosing that path so many years ago?  No….it was necessary for all of us.   While it hasn’t been easy, I know in my heart it was the right choice…..I have no regrets.

Today….on this strange anniversary….I sit back and wonder….I wonder what is to come.

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  • Gina

    I love this photo. And yes, I too wonder about the life that I would be living if I had chosen different paths. If I had chosen to pursue a different career, the different friends I would have met, but then the lovely friends I have that I may not have known. Sometimes it is a good thing we don’t have these answers…