Cutie Cailin
My baby is 17 today….where did the days go? The little girl who loved to blow kisses… …and had the sweetest smiles…especially after cake…. ….so very friendly and full of waves & kisses during Halloween parades…. She is my big girl now… …even when she is sleeping…. I love you my sweet baby! Happy Birthday Cutie Cailin!
And she was still smiling…
My sister….heart of gold. I invited her to my house for dinner and a movie on Saturday. I was cooking her favorite meal for her. But….before she can eat, she has to go to the airport with me. And creep around out of the way places…. ….looking for a good place to take a photograph…. ….of the moon. We saw the moon…. ….we finally ate…. ….and when we finally sat down to watch the movie, I couldn’t help but notice…. …she was still smiling. It is why I love her so.
Back to School??
Today I received some very exciting news! A chance for my newly launched photography business to take off….a golden opportunity….the prospect of acquiring several new clients all at once….but at the same time, news that made me want to hurl my breakfast. Seriously….that bad. I have been thinking about this all morning and telling myself I would be crazy not to do this….crazy! And again….breakfast acts like it wants to make an appearance again ~ an appearance I would rather not experience. So I decide to send an email to my trusty assistant….aka my “seester”. (Some names or words have been changed to protect identities.) Guess what….”She” gave my cards to a school she does “business” for and they want…
Beauty and the Links
First the beauty….my baby girl. She is a good sport with mom and camera.
And my Links Within should be working again. I became aware this evening that they were not functioning. I think I have it fixed now….give it a try. ↓
Some people have grandfathers….some people have Papa’s…. …..he was always Grandaddy to me. He was born on this day in 1901 in Currituck, North Carolina. He was a farmer. He married Nellie and they had 7 children. My mother was their youngest. When we would visit when I was a little girl, I would get up with him each morning to help him let the chickens out of their houses. When it was time for us to go home, the day before he would carry me around with him as he cried. I’m the cute blond standing next to him.
He drove an old John Deere tractor to the store. I can still hear…
Me and My Baby Girl
This is one of my favorite images of my baby girl…probably taken about 14 years ago. She is 16 now, but will always be my baby. I just spent the afternoon and early evening shopping with my baby girl. Teenage girls never tire when they shop. Older moms do.
Leaving The Nest
My oldest baby bird is trying out her wings….on her own. We raise them to do this….leave the nest….spread their wings and fly. *Sigh*
Happy Birthday Mom! I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living, My mommy you’ll be. ~ © “Love You Forever” by Robert Munsch
She looks after him……. And he looks after her…… Sweethearts.
As Promised….
I had made myself a promise that I was going to finish various things I have started recently. One being the trunk I bought last year at a garage sale. I really didn’t like the trunk as it was…..one of my daughters thought it was alright….the other had no real opinion. Me ~ I had specific ideas for that trunk when I bought it ~ it has just taken a while for it to come to fruition. It still isn’t quite complete, but moving along. I wanted to show you before and after……. Before…..brown with a yucky plastic liner. I ventured to guess this had been stuck away in some one’s garage for…