Nellie was born in August, 1904 1903 in rural North Carolina. In August 1920, she married Celius…they had seven children. She was a farmer’s wife and lived a simple life. She loved to have her long hair brushed ~ to the point you thought your arm would fall off. She always wore her long hair in a bun except when she went to bed. She taught me to crochet even though she was right handed and I am left handed. She had me sit in front of her so I could follow along….I was fairly young when I learned. She hummed or sang hymns while she cooked. She made the best fried chicken. Ever. Each time…
Time Passes…
…so quickly when you are visiting with those you love.
Baby Mine
Baby mine, don’t you cry Baby mine, dry your eyes Rest your head close to my heart Never to part Baby of mine Little one when you play Pay no heed to what they say Let your eyes sparkle and shine Never a tear Baby of mine If they knew all about you They’d end up loving you too All those same people who scold you What they’d give just for the right to hold you From your head down to your toes You’re not much, goodness knows But you’re so precious to me Sweet as can be Baby of mine Happy 19th Birthday….My Sweet Big Girl I love you……..Mom…
Teenage Girls
Teenage [ teen àyj ] (A period between the ages of 13 and 19) I have two of them….teenagers. 16 and 19. They argue….complain about each other….can’t agree on anything. I wonder if they will ever get along. And then I run across some old pictures…and I remember ~ …how she looked after her….how she still does. And even though they argue….complain about each other….can’t agree on anything…. I know she will always look after her….and I know they will be fine.
The First One
This is the first time my big girl drove away in her new car this past February….right after we got home and put the plates on, she was off to show her friends…it was not spanking new, but it was new to her. The car is in excellent shape for its age….no dings, no bumps, no bruises. So you can imagine how she felt when she received the first one this past Saturday night….nothing catastrophic or life threatening, but it was a very big deal to her. Her ‘baby’ had been damaged. While driving home from work Saturday evening, a truck carrying construction debris dropped a hunk of something on the road. …
The morning started out beautifully….. I caught the clouds at sunrise. I was hopeful….could there be rain? No rain….the only water droplets today were my tears. Problems arrived this afternoon…. an unpleasant task that needs to be taken care of as a result. I was thinking of the chorus to a popular song I have heard on the radio station my daughter listens to….. “Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now…a wish right now….a wish right now.” I really could.
I attended a graduation party earlier this evening. My niece and her cousin will be graduating from high school tomorrow. While her cousin is not directly related to me, she is like a niece to me. Her and her brother grew up with mine, attended each others birthday parties when they were young….it doesn’t seem like that long ago they were babies. Celebrating the upcoming graduation brought back memories of my own daughter’s graduation this time last year….and of my own graduation many years ago. Graduation day is probably one of the biggest days of your life….of course when you are that age you experience lots of firsts…..lots of big moments. But graduation….life as you…
Mary Belle
Mary Belle was born in rural Alabama. She married Martin and had seven children. She made the best cinnamon toast, biscuits and vegetable soup ever. She didn’t drive until very late in her life. She didn’t like riding over bridges ~ it was ironic because her husband built them. Once she got out of the car and walked over the bridge because she thought it wasn’t safe to ride over. During a conversation, she would whisper words she deemed inappropriate to say out loud. She loved her family and her faith. She didn’t like to have her picture taken. It has been said that I look just like her, since the day I was born.…
It was kind of funny….
If you have been visiting me for a while, you know this young man is my oldest daughter’s boyfriend. He is a good kid….good to her and to me. But he also has to watch out for me now. A little back story before I continue……today we were going shopping at a larger mall than our own in another city fairly close by. The mall that is closest to our house doesn’t have a couple of the stores my daughter likes to shop at so we planned this trip. Included in our adventure was my younger sister, who was dropped at my house a little while before our departure. The cast of characters…
The First
As we sit and wonder what the third storm in two weeks will bring, I thought I would show you some photos I took after the first on January 30th. We haven’t experienced the snow our friends to the north of us have, but this storm brought a substantial amount for us. This is the storm that brought us the most snow we have seen in this area in a few years. I got up bright and early the next morning to blue skies and sunshine. These are my snow shovelers…..my oldest and her boyfriend. They did an excellent job clearing the walk and around the Jeep….and hamming it up for the camera.