Friday Flashback
One afternoon in Lewisville, Texas…August, 1988.. I took these from my patio. Mammatus Clouds, also known as Mammary clouds… They may appear foreboding but they are the messengers making their appearance before or after a severe storm.
Friday Flashback
Eighteen years ago today…. Happy 18th Birthday my sweet baby girl!
Friday Flashback
Mrs. Manfree’s First Grade Class I’ll give you a hint….second row from window, third seat back from chalkboard.
I can remember we use to go to the playground during rocket launches from Cape Canaveral. It was a perfect place to see the Mercury missions as they appeared over the tree line. We would all stand and watch as they soared into space. I can remember the regular “duck and cover” drills during the Bay of Pigs. I remember playing outside with your friends until dark….or until your mother called you home to dinner. I remember gas wars and gas prices at @ 25¢ per gallon. I remember riding our…
Friday Flashback
A trip to Mt. Evans ~ circa July 1979 Mt. Evans ~ 14,265 feet ~ 154 feet taller than Pikes Peak A view of Echo Lake along the road to Mt. Evans. A frozen Summit Lake….did I mention this was June?
The high alpine lake lies in a cirque formed by Mt Evans and neighboring Mt Spalding (13,842). Notice the tiny little people by the lakes edge…it is quite large. The Crest House at the top of Mt. Evans was built in 1941. It once served as restaurant and gift shop as well as an observation deck. It also provided emergency oxygen for visitors. I wish I had a…
Friday Flashback
With the extraordinary snow storm that hit Denver today, I couldn’t help but remember the Christmas Eve Blizzard of 1982. The area I lived in received 34 inches of snow during that blizzard….these are some images after all was said and done…. I am standing next to my car that was buried in the snow. My boyfriend barely made it home that afternoon. Many last minute shoppers ended up getting stuck in the malls overnight…cars were abandoned on the highways…and the airport was shut down. We lived on a rather steep hill… My balcony was on the end, second floor ~ right above that snow drift. The drift wasn’t actually…
Friday Flashback
Virginia Beach, Virginia circa 1974
Friday Flashback
June 1995 My oldest daughter and Connor. After all these years, I still miss you little buddy.
Friday Flashback
It has been awhile since I did a Friday Flashback but I ran across some photographs that were appropriate since Denver recently won the wild card. Welcome to Mile High Stadium, Denver, Colorado on September 14, 1980….Denver Broncos versus Dallas Cowboys. My very first NFL game. My then boyfriend and I were very fortunate that I was able to get two tickets through work because all home games were sold out….years in advance…. What an unbelievable place to be…it was rumored to be the noisiest stadium for the other team to visit. The fans would stomp their feet and the earth would tremble….it was exhilarating to be there. Red…
Friday Flashback
We came from Colorado…. ….a few came from Philadelphia…. ….to see the ones that were already there… ….and we got together where it all started. We met in Virginia Beach all those years ago….early twenties. And life was good. Taken in our hotel room the summer we visited Virginia Beach, Virginia. The way we were….. I wish I had dated this photograph….but I didn’t…late 1970/early 1980’s I would say. ** Update On The Date ~ I found the negatives for this ~ July 1983 **
Friday Flashback
Once upon a time I owned ferrets. A male and a female… Gandolf…. …and Galadriel. My then boyfriend and I were fans of the Lord of the Rings trilogy ~ the books that is…this was long before the movies were even a dream. They were the best pets…loving….each with their own unique personality…and they chuckled when they were happy. They would chuckle a lot, especially when it was time to play. They were my little buddies. I still miss them….a lot.