Friday Flashback
Kiowa, Colorado ~ Circa 1981 Maybe an hour or so outside of Denver…head south, eastern plains. I can remember watching the storms while looking north across the plains late one afternoon…we watched several tornadoes drop from the sky… …it was awesome and frightening all at the same time. You could see a car coming down the dirt road for miles at night…and the faint glow of the lights of Denver to the northwest. You could hear the coyotes while sitting around the fires at night…and imagined they were just outside the fires glow….watching. A totem created by the land owners to keep evil away…land owners that were our very good…
Friday Flashback
Nellie… …gone from our lives much too soon…. …Happy Birthday Grandma… …we miss you every day…
Friday Flashback
Welcome to Steamboat Springs, Colorado ~ circa March 1983 Rabbit Ears Pass Views from a Gondola Steamboat’s infamous moguls and champagne powder. Checking out the slopes that morning….my former boyfriend and our adventure buddies!
You could ski right up to the condos. Steamboat Springs was one of my favorite places to visit when I lived in Colorado…I would love to go back one day.
Friday Flashback
I saw on television recently they have created a new “Dallas” series which will be premiering this fall I believe. In case you are not familiar with it, the show was about a wealthy Texas oil family….kind of like an evening soap opera. I wasn’t a huge fan of the original series, but I knew a lot of people who were. The original series ran from 1978 until 1991. I was living in Dallas from 1985 to 1990. In March of 1985, I moved to the Dallas metro area from Denver…at the time, a little area called Lewisville. The above photograph is the Dallas skyline from inside the restaurant at the top of Reunion Tower. …
Friday Flashback
When I was 22, Ivan (my then boyfriend) and I headed west…to Denver, Colorado and the Rocky Mountains. Our dream….find a place to live….find a decent job….and backpack the Rockies. We found a little apartment that was a great price….we were both employed within a week after arriving…and we backpacked the Rockies….many, many times. One of our favorite places was above Nederland, Colorado in the Arapaho National Forest…Indian Peaks Wilderness area. We would pack up the blazer, head up there very early in the morning and hike to one of the most beautiful and secluded areas you have ever seen…a place where we rarely saw another camper on the trail. The packs were heavy, the trail was a long one…it took…
Friday Flashback
This image was taken 16 years ago today…my oldest daughter and her cousin. His family was visiting from out of town and we had just eaten breakfast at Cracker Barrel. Her cousin just celebrated his 22nd birthday yesterday. It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago when this photograph was taken… …time flies much too quickly as you watch your children grow. Happy Birthday Dustin!
Friday Flashback
A look at the Grand Tetons….as I saw them 32 years ago. My old, scanned photos don’t really do them justice…. They literally take your breath away. This next image features a portion of the Snake River. A wonderful vacation….Yellowstone, Grand Tetons and the icing on the cake…. …..white water rafting down a section of the Snake River. It was amazing! If you ever get the chance to visit, I highly recommend it. You won’t regret it.
Friday Flashback
When Busch Gardens was The Old Country…. The park was probably about three or four years old when I took these images. I was living in Colorado at the time but visiting family one summer. This was shot from the sky ride gondola… And the world renowned Clydesdale horses….there were certain times of the day you could catch them being moved from this stable to another location. These horses are huge…huge! The Loch Ness Monster…an amazing coaster that took you into a cave and had connecting loops. Now I suppose it is considered relatively tame. The boat docks for the cruise on Rhine river is in the foreground. This isn’t the best image….the coaster…