• Gardens,  Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    Morning Glories

    Kate from  A Picture a Day and Chronicles of a Country Girl has been experimenting with collages recently.  She has inspired me to post one of my own……a small collection of my morning glories.  I have taken these at various times.  If you click on the image, you will get a  larger view.  Check out the flower in the upper left ~ I didn’t even notice the spider/cob web surrounding that flower until I began to process it.  I wasn’t actually that close when I took the photo so I missed it during the actual shot.  I thought it looked pretty cool.    Don’t you like it when you get unexpected surprises after taking a…

  • Miscellaneous

    I remember…..

    I remember……..driving to work that bright, sunny day. I remember……..listening to the radio as they talked about a horrible accident ~ a plane had hit the World Trade Center, North Tower.  I remember…..arriving at the office and telling everyone to turn on the television in the conference room, there had been an accident. I remember…..watching in horror as the second plane deliberately flew into the South Tower and it exploded into flames. I remember…..being afraid by all the events of the day. I remember…..wondering how in the world they would ever put those fires out….only to witness immediately after my thought  the South Tower collasping and then the North Tower a short time…

  • Life In General,  Miscellaneous,  Road Trips

    Road Trip ~ Part IV ~ Final Resting

    I stumbled upon a very old cemetary while  in South Carolina last month.  I like old cemetaries…..they whisper to me ~ especially when they are in the woods.  It actually was a glimpse of a headstone as I drove down an old road that caught my eye.  This road was off the beaten path so I knew it must be an old cemetary, but what I didn’t know was how old.  My oldest daughter joined me on this sunny afternoon for our visit to the cemetary.  There is a small pull off for vehicles and a sign warning visitors there is a state law which prohibits visitors from tampering with or removing any items from a cemetary…

  • Family,  Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    Road Trip ~ Part II ~ The New Place

    My parents ~ fondly known as Papa and Nina since the grandchildren came along ~ have lived in many places.  My father’s work and family circumstances made the many moves necessary.  The closest to me was Asheville, North Carolina….the furthest was Saudia Arabia.   They have declared this their last move, they have found their dream home.  It was built by a custom builder for him and his family.  Although it may look quite large……it really isn’t.  It is a spacious home….but not overly so.  What makes this home so nice is the little amenities they put in that you wouldn’t normally find in a house of this size.  They had just moved in and…

  • Family,  Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    Road Trip ~ Part I

    While it has been a month since I took my trip to South Carolina, I have yet to post my photos from the trip as I promised.  I thought I should break it up into different posts because there are quite a few photos I would like to share with you.  When I planned the trip, I decided I wanted to take a road less traveled to the interstate.  Well, actually the road is a four lane route and fairly well traveled, but it takes you through Suffolk, Franklin and Emporia.  There are a few other smaller towns in between these that require you to slow down to 35 mph when…

  • Miscellaneous


    I’m claiming success for what you may ask……well, for my first attempt at making preserves.  Yes, this was my first time canning anything actually.  My grandmother did it, my mother did it…….I remember watching them as they put up jars and jars of delicious goodies.  As much as I love being able to go to the pantry and pull out a jar of freshly made goodness, I have never ventured down that path myself.  One reason, I have always lived in an apartment or townhouse without a large area to grow a garden.  Even today, my yard is not situated to support a large enough garden to grow veggies or fruits.  As…

  • Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    Dodged A Bullet

    Looks as if the East Coast dodged a bullet this weekend……Hurricane Bill is forecasted to pass between the United States and Bermuda.   Thanks to a front that is moving east, it is not expected to make landfall anywhere in the US.  The only impact we will probably have will be increased wave action and rip currents if it stays on this course.  Here’s hoping that front continues moving east and doesn’t stall ~ otherwise, it could get dicey folks!!

  • Miscellaneous,  Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 8.9.09

      Outside My Window…is a beautiful, sunny morning in Catawba, South Carolina.  There is a slight breeze, temps around 74F at 9:30 with about 68% humidity.  This morning, I’m writing on my parents back porch….there are birds visiting the bird feeders and hummingbirds flying here and there.  I am thinking…about how nice and relaxing this visit has been.  I have thoroughly enjoyed these past few days……..peaceful, quiet….beautiful home and scenery…….and of course excellent company.  I’m already mentally planning my next trip to see them.   🙂 I am thankful for…Papa and Nina living so much closer to us now…..and for what appears to be good traveling weather for our trip home…

  • Gardens,  Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    Sunflowers ~ CoffeeShop Orton Style

    I was trying out some different CoffeeShop Actions today during my lunch hour and came up with this…….. I took this photo this morning as the sun was cresting over the rooftops.  The sunflowers were heavy with the rain from last night, and there were a few more new blooms.  I created this effect using the CoffeeShop Orton action for PhotoShop Elements.   I like the way it softens the image.  The actions are very easy to use, and I like how Rita has designed it so you have the ability to adjust levels if you so desire.   I’m having too much fun with these…. and so much more to explore.

  • Gardens,  Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    One Wedding and Sunflowers

    Happy Saturday to you all!  If you want to see the best wedding march I have seen, check out this link….sorry, I haven’t quite figured out the embedding so you will have to click and leave me for a few minutes….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-94JhLEiN0 So you’re back now…..wasn’t that a hoot!  😀 I also have some more sunflowers to show you……..yes, yes, I know you have seen them before ~ but not these!  😉           If you click on the image, you can see a larger size of it….or you can check out all my sunflowers at The Great Sunflower Project set I have set up on Flickr.  Click on the smaller…