HDR Technique ~ I Remembered!
I actually remembered this evening that I had said I would share the HDR technique I discovered earlier this week. See…she can be taught. 🙂 To do this technique, you will need to be able to open your jpeg or raw files in ACR ~ Adobe Camera Raw. This plug-in comes with my version of PSE7….I can’t vouch for other versions though. It is best to try this with landscapes or similar images until you have used it for some time. If opening a jpeg file, you will need to select file>open as>and select your file. Raw files can be opened with file>open. This tutorial is probably more suited for individuals that have some…
Virginia Beach
This is a shot I took of Virginia Beach, circa 1978. It was somewhere between 75th and 80th Street area. This isn’t my beach of choice in the summer anymore. Too crowded…..too commercial. I like to remember it when I was in my late teens, early 20’s. Cold ones at Chicho’s and Lee’s. Dancing at Peabodys. We would ride up and down the strip… otherwise known as Atlantic Avenue. I hear you can’t do that any more… there are signs posted everywhere….. No Fun Allowed.
Down On The Farm
I think I have mentioned my new rain barrel once or twice right? 🙂 Well the class to build this wonder was held at Bluebird Gap Farm in Hampton, Virginia. They had some every day farm critters so after our rain barrel adventure, I took my camera and snapped a few. The white peacock, before showtime……. you saw the after, but just in case you missed it…. He, or she, calmly stepped off the stump….walked up to where I was standing and viola! And modeled, twirling several times before they let out this bizarre type call, folded the feathers back into place and walked back to the stump. Kind of surreal actually….but so glad…
Product of My Labor
Are you tired of the rain barrel yet? I was so pleased it worked! 🙂
Wordless Wednesday….on Thursday
I’m exhausted…..short and sweet tonight! 🙂
Rain Maker….
…..bring us some rain. I made a discovery earlier this week….for a mere $40 I would learn how to make a rain barrel with the barrel and conversion hardware supplied. This is a class provided by the Hampton Master Gardeners and the City of Hampton several times each spring. I signed myself up and off to Bluebird Gap Farm I went. They had a short class prior to barrel making on water conservation and recycling. Afterwards we went outside and proceeded to make our rain barrels….. My 55 gallon olive barrel from Spain with conversion hardware. The holes are pre-drilled prior to our arrival. Using nuts, washers and caulk, the faucet is installed…
The President’s House
The President’s House at The College of William and Mary is the the oldest official residence for a college president in the United States. For more on the history of this house, visit this site.
Outside My Window ~ 5.2.10
Outside My Window…is a very warm morning. Already the temps are at 78º with partly cloudy skies…actually more sun than clouds right now. Combine the humidity it feels like 81º outside at 9:25 am. Our forecast high for today is 94º with winds 15 to 25mph. This sounds like a forecast for a summer day, not early May when our average temperature is 70º. The beaches are definitely welcoming visitors this weekend but with the winds, you will feel like you are being sandblasted. To get some relief, you may venture into the water….except while the air temperature is very hot, the water temperature is still spring temperatures…that means you will be wading…
Removing Color Cast From Photos
Yesterday I showed you a photo with a color cast and another of the same photo after I fixed it….. Today I promised to show you how to do it. I use Photoshop Elements 7. You will probably be able do the same thing in earlier versions. Let’s begin…….open you image and duplicate the background (control J). While working in your layer copy, select filter->blur->average….. This will reveal your color cast…… Now select Layer->New Adjustment Layer->Levels The opportunity to name this layer will appear, you may leave it as is or name it “gray adjustment”. Click OK…..once it opens, select your gray dropper…….. ….and click on your image. It should turn gray…
I have posted a few scanned photos taken years ago when I lived in Denver. These photos have been a challenge because of a color cast that has developed over the years. There are quite a few photos that have this cast over them. But look what I learned to do….. 🙂 I will share the secret to my success with you tomorrow!