Hello World ~ It’s Been Awhile
Good time as any to dust this old blog off.
I – like many others across the globe – am practicing self isolation. Strange times require familiarity, doing things that I find comfort in. For me it can be different things on different days. On Thursday it was creating a new composite that had been rolling around in my head for some time.
The star of this new piece is my Survivor – dressed in her well worn formal wear, gas mask and no shoes. She walks unfamiliar landscapes – perhaps looking for hope. She will be part of a series I will be creating. Something In The…
New For Outside My Window
A new composite photo I created for Outside My Window series….I believe I’m a bit addicted to composites. Wonder if there is a support group?
Credits for stock used Books Curtains Suitcase Chest Chair Window Room And my own resources.
….and another one….
I saw a video on this composite and decided to give it a go today…. Credits: Tutorial Couple/Background Background Bike Wall Ivy Columns Column Ivy Column Flowers Sun Gradient Lamps
In the spirit of the day….
Credits: Heart Balloons Model Chimney/Window Bars Fog Pine Trees Background Background Birds Light Beams
…a new composite….. Credits: Background/Foreground: Burtn and Burtn Orb: eddyhaze Wings: Moonglowlilly Fairie: Lisa-jen-stock Sparkles: http://www.obsidiandawn.com/ Snow Texture: emilyemilybeth.deviantart.com
….and she danced….
My newest photo manip. Source Files: Rocks – Burtn Burtn Leina1 Wagon – Wintersmagic Stock Gypsy – Faestock Fire – Shaedsofgrey Tree – AT-Stock Grass – gd08 Path – Celticstrm Iron Kettle – SalsolsaStock Background – Chulii Stock ….as well as my own resources.
Samhain 2013
Samhain, when the barrier between the worlds is whisper-thin and when magic, old magic, sings its heady and sweet song to anyone who cares to hear it.” ― Carolyn MacCullough Source files: Model Texture Shield Pillar Chains Dead Branches Wall Carving …and my own resources
Wishing For Better Days
I finished another composite this past weekend. Not for the faint of heart, this image was inspired by the dark nurses in the horror movie, Silent Hill. Background – Dracoart Stock Model 1 – David MacKenzie (obtained from deviantart – credit listed as requested) Model 2 – AmethystDreams 1987 (obtained from deviantart – credit listed as requested) Texture – Sarah Gardner Photography (free but requires registration for access)
Beware When The Moon Is Full
Inspired by Jenny Le’s “Nocturna” The full tutorial is not available unless you are a member of the site {which I am not} so I took the idea and created something similar of my own. This composite has 24 layers including stock images and adjustments. If you click on the links below you will see the stock images used with the exception of the candles and flame ~ the owner has put her deviations into storage and they are no longer available but she has requested credit with this notation. Credit For Stock Used: Stone Castle Wings Background Skull Candle & Flame {deviations currently in storage} Bones {caution: his deviations and stock contain nudity} Gravestone Model Light Rays…
Charge of the Goddess
Credits: Water for Texture Model Background Elements: Archway | Sky | Ground | Brushes: Obsidian Dawn